Joaquin is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.
Suarthana E, Taghiakbari M, Saha-Chaudhuri P, Rifflart C, Suojalehto H, Hölttä P, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Wiszniewska M, Muñoz X, Romero-Mesones C, Sastre J, Rial MJ, Henneberger PK, Vandenplas O,
The validity of the Canadian clinical scores for occupational asthma in European populations,
Jeebhay F, Moscato G, Bang BE, Folletti I, Lipinska-Ojrzanowska A, Lopata AL, Pala G, Quirce S, Raulf M, Sastre J, Swoboda I, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Siracusa A,
Food processing and Occupational Respiratory Allergy - a EAACI Position Paper,
Suojalehto H, Suuronen K, Cullinan P, Lindström I, Sastre J, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Munoz X, Talini D, Klusackova P, Moore V, Merget R, Svanes C, Mason P, dell'Omo M, Moscato G, Quirce S, Hoyle J, Sherson D, Preisser A, Seed M, Rifflart C, Godet J, de Blay F, Vandenplas O, European network for the Phenotyping of Occupational Asthma (E-PHOCAS) investigators.,
Phenotyping occupational asthma caused by acrylates in a multicentre cohort study.,
J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract,
Vandenplas O, Godet J, Hurdubaea L, Rifflart C, Suojalehto H, Wiszniewska M, Munoz X, Sastre J, Klusackova P, Moore V, Merget R, Talini D, Svanes C, Mason P, dell'Omo M, Cullinan P, Moscato G, Quirce S, Hoyle J, Sherson D, Kauppi P, Preisser A, Meyer N, de Blay F, European network for the PHenotyping of OCcupational ASthma (E-PHOCAS) investigators.,
Are high- and low-molecular-weight sensitizing agents associated with different clinical phenotypes of occupational asthma?,
Bernstein DI, Lummus ZL, Kesavalu B, Yao J, Kottyan L, Miller D, Cartier A, Cruz MJ, Lemiere C, Muñoz X, Quirce S, Tarlo S, Sastre J, Boulet LP, Weirauch MT, Kaufman K,
Genetic Variants with Gene Regulatory Effects are Associated with Diisocyanate Asthma,
J Allergy Clin Immunol,
2018;:,DOI: 10.1016/j.jaci.2018.06.022
Quirce S, Vandenplas O, Campo P, Cruz MJ, de Blay F, Koschel D, Moscato G, Pala G, M R, Sastre J, Siracusa A, Tarlo SM, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Cormier Y,
Occupational hypersensitivity pneumonitis: An EAACI Position paper,
Vandenplas O, Suojalehto H, Aasen T, Baur X, Burge PS, de Blay F, Fishwick D, Hoyle J, Maestrelli P, Muñoz X, Moscato G, Sastre J, Sigsgaard T, Suuronen K, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Cullinan P, the ERS Task Force on Specific Inhalation Challenges with Occupational Agents,
Specific inhalation challenge in the diagnosis of occupational asthma: consensus statement,
Eur Respir J,
Vandenplas O, Wiszniewska M, Raulf M, de Blay F, Gerth van Wijk R, Moscato G, Nemery B, Pala G, Quirce S, Sastre J, Schlünssen V, Sigsgaard T, Siracusa A, Tarlo SM, van Kampen V, Zock J-P, Walusiak-Skorupa J.,
EAACI position paper: irritant-induced asthma,
Siracusa A, De Blay F, Folletti I, Moscato G, Olivieri M, Quirce S, Raulf-Heimsoth M, Sastre J, Tarlo SM, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Zock J-P,
Asthma and exposure to cleaning products – a European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology task force consensus statement,
van Kampen V, de Blay F, Folletti I, Kobierski P, Moscato G, Olivieri M, Quirce S, Sastre J, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Kotschy-Lang N, Müsken H, Mahler V, Schliemann S, Ochmann U, Sültz J, Worm M, Sander I, Zahradnik E, Brüning T, Merget R, Raulf-Heimsoth M,
Evaluation of commercial skin prick test solutions for selected occupational allergens,
Yucesoy B, Johnson VJ, Lummus ZL, Kissling GE, Fluharty K, Gautrin D, Malo J, Cartier A, Boulet L, Sastre J, Quirce S, Germolec DR, Tarlo SM, Cruz M, Munoz X, Luster MI, Bernstein DI,
Genetic Variants in Antioxidant Genes Are Associated With Diisocyanate-Induced Asthma,
Toxicology Science,
Moscato G, Pala G, Barnig C, De Blay F, Del Giacco SR, Folletti I, Heffler E, Maestrelli P, Pauli G, Perfetti L, Quirce S, Sastre J, Siracusa A, Walusiak-Skorupa J, van Gerth Wjik R,
EAACI consensus statement for investigation of work-related asthma in non-specialized centres,
Bernstein DI, Kissling GE, Hershey GK, Yucesoy B, Johnson VJ, Cartier A, Gautrin D, Sastre J, Boulet L, Malo J, Quirce S, Tarlo SM, Langmeyer S, Luster MI, Lummus ZL,
Hexamethylene diisocyanate asthma is associated with genetic polymorphisms of CD14, IL-13, and IL-4 receptor a,
J Allergy Clin Immunol,
Sastre J, Madero MF, Fernández-Nieto M, Sastre B, del Pozo V, Potro MG, Quirce S,
Airway response to chlorine inhalation (bleach) among cleaning workers with and without bronchial hyperresponsiveness,
Am J Industr Med,
Quirce S, Lemière C, de Blay F, del Pozo V, Gerth Van Wijk R, Maestrelli P, Pauli G, Pignatti P, Raulf-Heimsoth M, Sastre J, Storaas T, Moscato G. G,
Noninvasive methods for assessment of airway inflammation in occupational settings,
Fernández-Nieto M, Sastre B, Sastre J, Lahoz C, Quirce S, Madero M, del Pozo V,
Changes in Sputum Eicosanoids and Inflammatory Markers After Inhalation Challenges With Occupational Agents ,
Fernández-Nieto M, Quirce S, Fraj J, del Pozo V, Seoane C, Sastre B, Lahoz C, Sastre J,
Airway inflammation in occupational asthma caused by styrene,
J Allergy Clin Immunol,
van Kampen V, de Blay F, Folletti I, Kobierski P, Moscato G, Olivieri M, Quirce S, Sastre J, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Raulf-Heimsoth M,
EAACI position paper: skin prick testing in the diagnosis of occupational type I allergies,
Sanderson W, Kullman G, Sastre J, Olenchock S, O'Campo A, Musgrave K, Green F,
Outbreak of hypersensitivity pneumonitis among mushroom farm workers,
Am J Industr Med,
Banks DE, Sastre J, Butcher BT, Ellis E, Rando RJ, Barkman HW Jr, Hammad YY, Glindmeyer HW, Weill H,
Role of inhalation challenge testing in the diagnosis of isocyanate-induced asthma,