Member of the ERS working group on occupational asthma
Tor is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.
Tjalvin G, Svanes Ø, Bertelsen RJ, Hollund BE, Aasen TB, Svanes C, Kirkeleit J.,
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis in fish processing workers diagnosed by inhalation challenge.,
ERJ Open Res,
2018;4:4,DOI: 10.1183/23120541.00071-2018
Svanes Ø, Skorge TD, Johannessen A, Bertelsen RJ, Bråtveit M, Forsberg B, Gislason T, Holm M, Janson C, Jögi R, Macsali F, Norbäck D, Omenaas ER, Real FG, Schlünssen V, Sigsgaard T, Wieslander G, Zock J, Aasen T, Dratva J, Svanes C,
Respiratory Health in Cleaners in Northern Europe: Is Susceptibility Established in Early Life?,
Vandenplas O, Suojalehto H, Aasen T, Baur X, Burge PS, de Blay F, Fishwick D, Hoyle J, Maestrelli P, Muñoz X, Moscato G, Sastre J, Sigsgaard T, Suuronen K, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Cullinan P, the ERS Task Force on Specific Inhalation Challenges with Occupational Agents,
Specific inhalation challenge in the diagnosis of occupational asthma: consensus statement,
Eur Respir J,
Baur X, Sigsgaard T, Aasen TB, Burge PS, Heederik D, Henneberger P, Maestrelli P, Rooyackers J, Schlunssen V, Vandenplas O, Wilken D on behalf of the ERS Task Force on the Management of Work-related Asthma,
Guidelines for the management of work-related asthma,
Eur Respir J,
Baur X, Aasen TB, Burge PS, Heederik D, Henneberger PK, Maestrelli P, Schlunssen V, Vandenplas O, Wilken D on behalf of the ERS Task Force on the Management of Work-related Asthma,
The management of work-related asthma guidelines: a broader perspective,
Eur Respir Rev,