Download Oasys (free)

Download Oasys (free)

Download and run the setup program below to install Oasys. You will need to register with the website in order to use it (this is also free). The Oasys Installation Guide is here to make things easier if required.

Please be aware that this version unfortunately no longer works with the asma-1 meter (doesn't download directly into it). If using an asma-1 meter, you will need to manually enter the data and therefore the patient needs to write down their results as they would with other manual meter. There is an older version of Oasys that still works with the Asma-1 which you can use, but it is no longer supported.

         Download Oasys

Further Information

The latest version (March 2024) updates the "Url of the Oasys Server" after we improved the security of the website, and includes minor bug fixes reported through the automatic bug tracking system. Please see Oasys Version History for more information.

No personally identifiable information is ever sent to or stored on the Oasys Server.  See our data protection section for more details.  

The program links to the help pages on this website. If you wish to make any comments about the program you can add comments to the bottom of the help pages (if logged in), add questions to the forum (if logged in) or use the contact link at the bottom of every page. If the program crashes in some way it will want to email us so that we can fix the problem.

The old version of Oasys is still available for those that are not willing to register with the website, it can be downloaded using the "Download the Old beta version of Oasys from 1995" link further down the page.

Related pages

Occupational asthma: Oasys Version History Oasys Version History
Occupational asthma: Download the Old beta version of Oasys from 1995 Download the Old beta version of Oasys from 1995


peux-je avoir une version compatible avec MacOS?

We're sorry, this is no MacOS version available, and it would be a lot of work to do so, so we haven't got any plans to make a MacOS version at the moment.

good evening, is there a version for phone?

Hi There, I'm afraid there is no mobile version of the application, and we don't have any plans to make one. It would be a lot of work, and it probably wouldn't suit the small screen size and the touch keyboard.

Hi, I can't log in to new version

Hi there, I think this will be easier to sort out over email, can you click on the "error on page?" link at the bottom of the page and send us some details?

Please sign in or register to add your thoughts.

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