Paul Henneberger is collaborating on the interpretation of peak flows and FEV1 measurements, using Oasys, in a study of occupational exposure on existing asthma, using the EasyOne meter.
Paul is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.
Suarthana E, Taghiakbari M, Saha-Chaudhuri P, Rifflart C, Suojalehto H, Hölttä P, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Wiszniewska M, Muñoz X, Romero-Mesones C, Sastre J, Rial MJ, Henneberger PK, Vandenplas O,
The validity of the Canadian clinical scores for occupational asthma in European populations,
Henneberger PK, Patel JR, de Groene GJ, Beach J, Tarlo SM, Pal TM, Curti S. ,
Workplace interventions for treatment of occupational asthma.,
Cochrane Database Syst Rev.,
Dumas O, Wiley AS, Quinot C, Varraso R, Zock J, Henneberger PK, Speizer FE, Moual NL, Camargo CA,
Occupational exposure to disinfectants and asthma control in US nurses,
Eur Respir J,
Quinot C, Dumas O, Henneberger PK, Varraso R, Wiley AS, Speizer FE, Goldberg M, Zock JP, Camargo Jr CA, Le Moual N,
Development of a job-task-exposure matrix to assess occupational exposure to disinfectants among US nurses,
Occup Environ Med,
Abrahamsen R, Fell AK, Svendsen MV, Andersson E, Torén K, Henneberger PK, Kongerud J.,
Association of respiratory symptoms and asthma with occupational exposures: findings from a population-based cross-sectional survey in Telemark, Norway.,
BMJ Open,
Fell A, Abrahamsen R, Henneberger PK, Svendsen MV, Andersson E, Torén K, Kongerud J. ,
Breath-taking jobs: a case-control study of respiratory work disability by occupation in Norway,
Occup Environ Med,
Hoppin JA, Umbach DM, Long S, Rinsky JL, Henneberger PK, Salo PM, Zeldin DC, London SJ, Alavanja MCR, Blair A, Freeman LEB, Sandler DP,
Respiratory disease in United States farmers ,
Occup Environ Med,
Le Moual N, Varraso R, Zock JP, Henneberger P, Speizer FE, Kauffmann F, Camargo CA Jr.,
Are operating room nurses at higher risk of severe persistent asthma? The Nurses' Health Study.,
J Occup Environ Med,
Baur X, Sigsgaard T, Aasen TB, Burge PS, Heederik D, Henneberger P, Maestrelli P, Rooyackers J, Schlunssen V, Vandenplas O, Wilken D on behalf of the ERS Task Force on the Management of Work-related Asthma,
Guidelines for the management of work-related asthma,
Eur Respir J,
Baur X, Aasen TB, Burge PS, Heederik D, Henneberger PK, Maestrelli P, Schlunssen V, Vandenplas O, Wilken D on behalf of the ERS Task Force on the Management of Work-related Asthma,
The management of work-related asthma guidelines: a broader perspective,
Eur Respir Rev,
Henneberger PK, Redlich CA, Callahan DB, Harber P, Lemière C, Martin J, Tarlo SM, Vandenplas O,
An Official American Thoracic Society Statement: Work-Exacerbated Asthma,
Am J Respir Crit Care Med,
Vandenplas O, Dressel H, Wilken D, Jamart J, Heederik D, Maestrelli P, Sigsgaard T, Henneberger P, Baur X,
Management of occupational asthma: cessation or reduction of exposure? A systematic review of available evidence,
Eur Respir J,
Henneberger PK, Mirabelli MC, Kogevinas M, Antó JM, Plana E, Dahlman-Höglund A, Jarvis DL, Kromhout H, Lillienberg L, Norbäck D, Olivieri M, Radon K, Torén K, Urrutia I, Villani S, Zock JP,
The occupational contribution to severe exacerbation of asthma,
Eur Respir J,
Bolen AR, Henneberger PK, Liang X, Sama SR, Preusse PA, Rosiello RA, Milton DK,
The validation of work-related self-reported asthma exacerbation,
Occup Environ Med,
Henneberger PK, Derk SJ, Davis L, Tumpowsky C, Reilly MJ, Rosenman KD, Schill DP, Valiante D, Flattery J, Harrison R, Reinisch F, Filios MS, Tift B ,
Work-related reactive airways dysfunction syndrome cases from surveillance in selected US states,
J Occup Med,
Auchincloss JH, Abraham JL, Gilbert R, Lax M, Henneberger PK, Heitzman ER, Peppi DJ,
Health hazard of poorly regulated exposure during manufacture of cemented tungsten carbides and cobalt,
Brit J Industr Med,