Shield - Surveillance Scheme for Occupational Asthma
Shield is the Midland Thoracic Society's Surveillance Scheme of Occupational Asthma. The scheme, which was set up in January 1989, was established to meet three main objectives. 1) To study the general and specific incidence of occupational asthma within a defined geographic area, 2) To determine proposed mechanisms of asthma, and 3) to determine the employment state of workers at diagnosis. Chest physicians, the Medical Boarding Centre (respiratory disease), and members of the West Midlands Group of the Society of Occupational Medicine implemented the scheme, by reporting each new case using a questionnaire format. The questionnaire covered personal information on the patient, details of the diagnosis, information about their occupational history, and the outcome after diagnosis. The introduction of the data protection act in the UK required consent for personal data to be reported. This reduced the number of reports. In 2010 Shield was revised to allow online reporting. Only anonymous data is transmitted so no specific consent from the worker is required. This has reduced the data available. We no longer collect information on the proposed mechanism or the employment state following diagnosis. The agent thought to cause the occupational asthma remains, in addition the audit criteria from the BTS standards of care have been added. |
Number of Cases reported to Shield
Shield Notification
Shield notification changed in 2010 and now is linked to the Oasys peak flow plotter, downloadable at ( Shield notification can be used without any peak flow. After opening Oasys click on view and then Oasys audit patient data. Either enter a new patient or click on one of your previously entered patients. If you wish to notify without using Oasys please download the postal notification form. As the information transmitted is anonymous no patient consent is required. Any patient specific information which you enter on your computer will not be uploaded, but will help you with your records. The internet Shield database has been approved by our Caldicott guardian as being truly anonymous.
Shield Reports
View all references / papers from occupational asthma surveillance schemes
Scottish SHIELD (Surveillance of occupational asthma, bronchitis and rhinitis)
This is a Surveillance Scheme to establish the incidence of occupational asthma, bronchitis and rhinitis in Scotland. A pilot study is being undertaken in the first instance in the North East of Scotland (Aberdeen and Inverness) with the intention of rolling the scheme out Scotland wide. | |
SWORD (Surveillance of Work-Related and Occupational Respiratory Disease)
The SWORD scheme aims to determine the scale and patterns of work-related respiratory disease in the UK and to identify the agents thought to be responsible along with information on industry and occupation. It does this by storing and analysing reports of occupational respiratory disease from a large number of respiratory physicians. This is a pilot site. | |
SENSOR (Sentinel Event Notification System for Occupational Risk)
Surveillance of Work-Related Asthma in Selected U.S. States (California, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey) Using Surveillance Guidelines for State Health Departments, 1993-1995.
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