Dr Vicky Moore BSc Hons (Physiology),
MSc (Occupational Health), PhD
Vicky is the clinical scientist for the occupational lung disease service and deputy
manager of Respiratory Physiology at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital. She performs
diagnostic tests for occupational asthma such as specific inhalation
challenge (SIC) and analysis of serial peak expiratory flow (PEF) measurements,
as well as workplace visits and workplace challenges. Her PhD entitled
'Development and validation of diagnostic tools for occupational asthma based
on serial lung function measurements' from the University of Birmingham in 2010
produced scoring systems now used in the diagnosis of occupational asthma.
She was awarded a European Respiratory Society fellowship in 2009 and spent
3 months in Finland working on serial PEFs. The dark and freezing winter months proved to be fantastic for
getting work done! Vicky continues to undertake research into the diagnostics
of occupational asthma. She has enthusiasm for quality diagnostic
spirometry and is the current Chair of the ARTP Spirometry committee and is a
member of the ERS spirometry committee.
Vicky is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.
Burge S , Moore V, Burge C, Robertson A, Huntley C, Walters G,
Occupational asthma in teachers.,
Occup Med,
Walters GI, Mokhlis JM, Moore VC, Robertson AS, Burge GA, Bhomra PS, Burge PS,
Characteristics of hypersensitivity pneumonitis diagnosed by interstitial and occupational lung disease multi-disciplinary team consensus,
Respir Med,
2019;155:19-25,DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rmed.2019.06.026
Suojalehto H, Suuronen K, Cullinan P, Lindström I, Sastre J, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Munoz X, Talini D, Klusackova P, Moore V, Merget R, Svanes C, Mason P, dell'Omo M, Moscato G, Quirce S, Hoyle J, Sherson D, Preisser A, Seed M, Rifflart C, Godet J, de Blay F, Vandenplas O, European network for the Phenotyping of Occupational Asthma (E-PHOCAS) investigators.,
Phenotyping occupational asthma caused by acrylates in a multicentre cohort study.,
J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract,
Vandenplas O, Godet J, Hurdubaea L, Rifflart C, Suojalehto H, Wiszniewska M, Munoz X, Sastre J, Klusackova P, Moore V, Merget R, Talini D, Svanes C, Mason P, dell'Omo M, Cullinan P, Moscato G, Quirce S, Hoyle J, Sherson D, Kauppi P, Preisser A, Meyer N, de Blay F, European network for the PHenotyping of OCcupational ASthma (E-PHOCAS) investigators.,
Are high- and low-molecular-weight sensitizing agents associated with different clinical phenotypes of occupational asthma?,
Walters GI, Robertson AS, Moore VC, Burge PS,
Occupational asthma caused by sensitization to a cleaning product containing triclosan, Antibac, (2,4,4’-trichloro-2’-hydroxydiphenyl ether), nurse, cleaner, ,
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol,
Walters GI, Kirkham A, McGrath EE, Moore VC, Robertson AS, Burge PS,
Twenty years of SHIELD: decreasing incidence of occupational asthma in the West Midlands, UK? ,
Occup Environ Med,
Walters GI, Moore VC, Robertson AS, McGrath EE, Parkes E, Burge PS,
Occupational asthma from sensitization to 4, 4-methlyene bismorpholine in clean metalworking fluid,
Eur Respir J,
Chakrabarti B, Purkait S, Gun P, Moore VC, Choudhuri S, Zaman MJ, Warburton C, Calverley PMA, Mukherjee R,
Chronic Airflow Limitation in a rural Indian population: Aetiology and relationship to Body Mass Index,
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmo,
Moore VC, Jaakkola MS, Burge CBSG, Robertson AS, Pantin CF, Vellore AD, Burge PS,
A New Diagnostic Score for Occupational Asthma,
Moore VC, Jaakkola MS, Burge CBSG, Pantin CF, Robertson AS, Vellore AD, Burge PS,
PEF analysis requiring shorter records for occupational asthma diagnosis,
Occup Med (London),
Moore VC, Parsons NR, Jaakkola MS, Burge CBSG, Pantin CF, Robertson AS, Burge PS,
Serial lung function variability using four portable logging meters,
J Asthma,
Vellore AD, Madathil S, Heinink RA, Moore VC, Manney S, Burge CBSG, Burge PS,
Vitamins as asthmagens in the workplace,
Eur Respir J,
Robertson W, Robertson A, Burge CB, Moore V, Jaakkola MS, Dawkins PA, Burd M, Rawbone R, Gardner I, Kinoulty M, Crook B, Evans GS, Harris-Roberts J, Rice SB, Burge PS,
Clinical investigation of an outbreak of alveolitis and asthma in a car engine manufacturing plant,
Vellore AD, Talini D, Anees W, Moore V, Novelli F, Paggiaro P, Burge PS,
Rate of FEV1 decline in workers with eosinophilic and non eosinophilic occupational asthma,
Eur Respir J,
2007;30 (Suppl:155s,
Medina-Ramón M, Zock JP, Kogevinas M, Sunyer J, Basagaña X, Schwartz J, Burge PS, Moore V, Antó JM,
Short-term respiratory effects of cleaning exposures in female domestic cleaners,
Eur Respir J,
Vellore AD, Drought VJ, Sherwood-Jones D, Tunnicliffe B, Moore VC, Robertson AS, Burge PS,
Occupational asthma and allergy to sevoflurane and isoflurane in anaesthetic staff,
Dawkins P, Robertson AS, Robertson W, Moore V, Reynolds J, Langman G, Robinson E, Harris-Roberts J, Crook B, Burge PS,
An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant,
Occup Med,
Elms J, Fishwick D, Robinson E, Burge S, Huggins V, Barber C, Williams N, Curran A,
Specific IgE to colophony?,
Occup Med,