Giana is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.
Jeebhay F, Moscato G, Bang BE, Folletti I, Lipinska-Ojrzanowska A, Lopata AL, Pala G, Quirce S, Raulf M, Sastre J, Swoboda I, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Siracusa A,
Food processing and Occupational Respiratory Allergy - a EAACI Position Paper,
Suojalehto H, Suuronen K, Cullinan P, Lindström I, Sastre J, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Munoz X, Talini D, Klusackova P, Moore V, Merget R, Svanes C, Mason P, dell'Omo M, Moscato G, Quirce S, Hoyle J, Sherson D, Preisser A, Seed M, Rifflart C, Godet J, de Blay F, Vandenplas O, European network for the Phenotyping of Occupational Asthma (E-PHOCAS) investigators.,
Phenotyping occupational asthma caused by acrylates in a multicentre cohort study.,
J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract,
Vandenplas O, Godet J, Hurdubaea L, Rifflart C, Suojalehto H, Wiszniewska M, Munoz X, Sastre J, Klusackova P, Moore V, Merget R, Talini D, Svanes C, Mason P, dell'Omo M, Cullinan P, Moscato G, Quirce S, Hoyle J, Sherson D, Kauppi P, Preisser A, Meyer N, de Blay F, European network for the PHenotyping of OCcupational ASthma (E-PHOCAS) investigators.,
Are high- and low-molecular-weight sensitizing agents associated with different clinical phenotypes of occupational asthma?,
Quirce S, Vandenplas O, Campo P, Cruz MJ, de Blay F, Koschel D, Moscato G, Pala G, M R, Sastre J, Siracusa A, Tarlo SM, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Cormier Y,
Occupational hypersensitivity pneumonitis: An EAACI Position paper,
Siracusa A, Folletti I, Gerth van Wijk R, Jeebhay MF, Moscato G, Quirce S, Raulf M, Ruëff F, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Whitaker P, Tarlo SM.,
Occupational anaphylaxis – an EAACI task force consensus statement.,
Vandenplas O, Suojalehto H, Aasen T, Baur X, Burge PS, de Blay F, Fishwick D, Hoyle J, Maestrelli P, Muñoz X, Moscato G, Sastre J, Sigsgaard T, Suuronen K, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Cullinan P, the ERS Task Force on Specific Inhalation Challenges with Occupational Agents,
Specific inhalation challenge in the diagnosis of occupational asthma: consensus statement,
Eur Respir J,
Moscato G, Pala G, Cullinan P, Folletti I, van Wijk G, Pignatti P, Quirce S,
EAACI Position Paper on assessment of cough in the workplace,
Vandenplas O, Wiszniewska M, Raulf M, de Blay F, Gerth van Wijk R, Moscato G, Nemery B, Pala G, Quirce S, Sastre J, Schlünssen V, Sigsgaard T, Siracusa A, Tarlo SM, van Kampen V, Zock J-P, Walusiak-Skorupa J.,
EAACI position paper: irritant-induced asthma,
van Kampen V, de Blay F, Folletti I, Kobierski P, Moscato G, Olivieri M, Quirce S, Sastre J, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Kotschy-Lang N, Müsken H, Mahler V, Schliemann S, Ochmann U, Sültz J, Worm M, Sander I, Zahradnik E, Brüning T, Merget R, Raulf-Heimsoth M,
Evaluation of commercial skin prick test solutions for selected occupational allergens,
Siracusa A, De Blay F, Folletti I, Moscato G, Olivieri M, Quirce S, Raulf-Heimsoth M, Sastre J, Tarlo SM, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Zock J-P,
Asthma and exposure to cleaning products – a European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology task force consensus statement,
Moscato G, Pala G, Barnig C, De Blay F, Del Giacco SR, Folletti I, Heffler E, Maestrelli P, Pauli G, Perfetti L, Quirce S, Sastre J, Siracusa A, Walusiak-Skorupa J, van Gerth Wjik R,
EAACI consensus statement for investigation of work-related asthma in non-specialized centres,
Moscato G, Pala G, Boillat MA, Folletti I, van Gerth Wijk R, Olgiati-Des Gouttes D, Perfetti L, Quirce S, Siracusa A, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Tarlo SM,
Prevention of work-related respiratory allergies among pre-apprentices or apprentices and young workers,
Quirce S, Lemière C, de Blay F, del Pozo V, Gerth Van Wijk R, Maestrelli P, Pauli G, Pignatti P, Raulf-Heimsoth M, Sastre J, Storaas T, Moscato G. G,
Noninvasive methods for assessment of airway inflammation in occupational settings,
Moscato G, Vandenplas O, Wijk RGV, Malo J-L, Perfetti L, Quirce S, Walusiak J, Castano R, Pala G, Gautrin D, Groot HD, Folletti I, Yacoub MR, Siracusa A,
EAACI position paper on occupational rhinitis,
Respiratory Research,
Moscato G, Vandenplas O, Van Gerth Wijk R, Malo JL, Quirce S, Walusiak J, Castano R, De Groot H, Folletti I, Gautrin D, Yacoub MR, Perfetti L, Siracusa A,
Occupational rhinitis
Vandenplas O, Ghezzo H, Munoz X, Moscato G, Perfetti L, Lemiere C, Labrecque M, L'Archeveque J, Malo JL,
What are the questionnaire items most useful in identifying subjects with occupational asthma?,
Eur Respir J,
van Kampen V, de Blay F, Folletti I, Kobierski P, Moscato G, Olivieri M, Quirce S, Sastre J, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Raulf-Heimsoth M,
EAACI position paper: skin prick testing in the diagnosis of occupational type I allergies,
Moscato G, Dellabianca A, Maestrelli P, Paggiaro P, Romano C, De Zotti R, Marabini A, Voltolini S, Crippa M, Previdi M, Bramé B, Benzon R, Siracusa A,
Features and severity of occupational asthma upon diagnosis: an Italian multicentric case review,
Moscato G, Dellabianca A, Perfetti L, Brame B, Galdi E, Niniano R, Paggiaro P,
Occupational asthma: A longitudunal study on the clinical and socioeconomic outcome after diagnosis,
Giannini D, Paggiaro PL, Moscato G, Gherson G, Bacci E, Bancalari L, Dente FL, Di Franco A, Vagaggini B, Giuntini C,
Comparison between peak expiratory flow and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) during bronchoconstriction induced by different stimuli,
J Asthma,
Moscato G, Omodeo P, Dellabianca A, Colli MC, Pugliese F, Locatelli C, Scibilia J,
Occupational asthma and rhinitis caused by 1,2-benzisothiazolin-3-one in a chemical worker,
Occup Med (Oxford),
Moscato G, Galdi E, Scibilia J, Dellabianca A, Omodeo P, Vittadini G, Biscaldi GP,
Occupational asthma, rhinitis and urticaria due to piperacillin sodium in a pharmaceutical worker,
Eur Respir J,
Moscato G, GodnicCvar J, Maestrelli P, Malo JL, Burge PS, Coifman R,
Statement on self-monitoring of peak expiratory flows in the investigation of occupational asthma. Subcommittee on Occupational Allergy of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. American Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. European Respiratory Society. American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology,
Eur Respir J,
Moscato G, GodnicCvar J, Maestrelli P, Malo JL, Burge PS, Coifman R,
Statement on self-monitoring of peak expiratory flows in the investigation of occupational asthma. Subcommittee on Occupational Allergy of European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, American Academy of Allergy and Immunology, European Respiratory Society, American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology,
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol,
![Abstract Available for Peak expiratory flow monitoring in diagnosis and management of occupational asthma. [Review]](images/abstract.gif) |
Paggiaro PL, Giannini D, Moscato G, Bacci E, Bancalari L, Carrara M, Dente FL, Di Franco A, di Pede F, Petrozzino M, et al,
Peak expiratory flow monitoring in diagnosis and management of occupational asthma. [Review],
Monaldi Arch Chest Dis,
Giannini D, di Pede F, Moscato G, Bacci E, Carletti A, Carrara M, et al,
Sensitivity of peak flow monitoring to detect occupational asthma in relationship with specific bronchial challenge,
Eur Respir J,
Paggiaro PL, Moscato G, Giannini D, di Pede F, Bertoletti R, Bacci E, Bancalari L, Dente FL, Di Franco A, Vagaggini B,
The Italian working group on the use of peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) in asthma,
Eur Respir Rev,
Moscato G, Biscaldi G, Cottica D, Pugiese F, Candura S, Candura F,
Occupational asthma due to styrene, two case reports,
J Occup Med,