Occupational Asthma References and Papers
Welcome to the references section of this website. Over 5000 occupational asthma references are presented, over 2,500 with abstracts and some with links to the full text. We are adding these all the time but it is a slow process. Any references that were studied as part of the BOHRF occupational asthma guidelines contain comments from the editors of the guidelines.
Many of these references have been converted from a Reference Manager Database which was largely hand entered. Please excuse any typing errors.
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Occupational asthma references / papers recently added
Aarhus L, Skare Ø, Nordby K-C, Gulsvik A, Vikjord S, Hedman L, Langhammer A,
Occupation and 11-year lung function decline in the HUNT Study,
Occup Med,
Feary J, Devaraj A, Burton M, Chua F, Coker RK, Datta A, Hewitt R, Kokosi M, Kouranos V, Reynolds CJ, Ross CL, Smith V, Ward K, Wickremasinghe M, Szram J,
Artificial stone silicosis: a UK case series,
2024;:,10.1136/ thorax-2024-221715 1
Iskandar IYK, Gawkrodger DJ, Byrne L, Matthew Gittins M, Carder M, Fishwick D, van Tongeren M,
Trends in work-related respiratory diseases attributed to nickel, chromium and cobalt in the UK: descriptive findings from The Health and Occupation Research (THOR) network 1996–2019,
Occup Environ Med,
Sit G, Orsi L, Iwatsubo Y, Dananché B Orsi F, Goldberg M, Leynaert B, Nadif R, Ribet C, Roche N, Roquelaure Y, Varraso R, Zin M, Pilorget C, Le Moual N, Dumas O,
Chronic occupational exposures to irritants and asthma in the CONSTANCES cohort,
Occup Environ Med,
Bünger J, Antlauf-Lammers M, Schulz TG, Westphal GA, Müller MM, Ruhnau P, Hallier E,
Health complaints and immunological markers of exposure to bioaerosols among biowaste collectors and compost workers,
Occup Environ Med,
Weber S, Kullman G, Petsonk, E, Jones G W, Olenchock S, Sorenson W, Parker J, Marcelo-Baciu R, Frazer D, Castranova V,
Organic dust exposures from compost handling: Case presentation and respiratory exposure assessment,
Am J Industr Med,
van Kampen V, Deckert A, Hoffmeyer F, Taeger D, Brinkmann E, Brüning T, Raulf-Heimsoth M, Bünger J,
Symptoms, Spirometry, and Serum Antibody Concentrations Among Compost Workers Exposed to Organic Dust,
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health,
Occupational asthma references / papers recently published
Sit G, Orsi L, Iwatsubo Y, Dananché B Orsi F, Goldberg M, Leynaert B, Nadif R, Ribet C, Roche N, Roquelaure Y, Varraso R, Zin M, Pilorget C, Le Moual N, Dumas O,
Chronic occupational exposures to irritants and asthma in the CONSTANCES cohort,
Occup Environ Med,
Iskandar IYK, Gawkrodger DJ, Byrne L, Matthew Gittins M, Carder M, Fishwick D, van Tongeren M,
Trends in work-related respiratory diseases attributed to nickel, chromium and cobalt in the UK: descriptive findings from The Health and Occupation Research (THOR) network 1996–2019,
Occup Environ Med,
Feary J, Devaraj A, Burton M, Chua F, Coker RK, Datta A, Hewitt R, Kokosi M, Kouranos V, Reynolds CJ, Ross CL, Smith V, Ward K, Wickremasinghe M, Szram J,
Artificial stone silicosis: a UK case series,
2024;:,10.1136/ thorax-2024-221715 1
Aarhus L, Skare Ø, Nordby K-C, Gulsvik A, Vikjord S, Hedman L, Langhammer A,
Occupation and 11-year lung function decline in the HUNT Study,
Occup Med,
Wardyn P, Edme J, de Broucker V, Cherot-Kornobis N, Ringeval D, Amouyel P, Sobaszek A, Dauchet L, Hulo S,
The impact of occupational exposure to crystalline silica dust on respiratory function (airway obstruction and FEF25-75) in the French general population,
Environ Res,
Pacheco Da Silva E, Ngutuka M, Dumas O, Orsi L, Ait-hadad W, Lemire P, Quentin J, Pin I, Varraso R, Siroux V, LeMoual N,
Longitudinal associations of household use of cleaning agents and asthma symptoms in women: the EGEA study,
Occup Environ Med,
Singh A, Zeig-Owens R, Cannon M, Webber MP, Goldfarb DG, Daniels RD, Prezant DJ, Boffetta P, Hall CB,
All-cause and cause-specific mortality in a cohort of WTC-exposed and non-WTC-exposed firefighters.,
Occup Environ Med,
Ganseman E, Goossens J, Blanter M, Jonckheere A-C, Bergmans N, Vanbrabant L, Gouwy M, Ronsmans S, Vandenbroeck S, Dupont LJ, Vanoirbeek J, Bullens DMA, Breynaert, C, Proost P, Schrijvers RN ,
Frequent allergic sensitization to farmed edible insects in exposed employees,
he Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice,
2023;:,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaip.2023.07.039 Y2 - 2023/08/10 ER
Huntley CC, Patel K, Mughal AZ, Coelho S, Burge PS, Turner AM, Walters GI,
Airborne occupational exposures associated with pulmonary sarcoidosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis,
Occup Environ Med,
Nafees AA, Allana A, Kadir MM, Potts J, Minelli C, Semple S, Matteis SD, Burney P, Cullinan P,
A cluster randomised controlled trial to reduce respiratory effects of cotton dust exposure among textile workers – the MultiTex RCT study,
Eur Respir J,
2023;:,DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01028-2023
Jasper AE, Faniyi AA, Davis LC, Grudzinska FS, Halston R, Hazeldine J, Parekh D, Sapey E, Thickett DR, Scott A,
E-cigarette vapor renders neutrophils dysfunctional due to filamentous actin accumulation,
J Allergy Clin Immunol,
Tjalvin G, Svanes Ø, Igland J, Bertelsen RJ, Benediktsdóttir B, Dharmage S, Forsberg B, Holm M, Janson C, Jõgi NO, Johannessen A, Malinovschi A, Pape K, Real FG, Sigsgaard T, Torén K, Vindenes HK, Zock JP, Schlünssen V, Svanes C,
Maternal preconception occupational exposure to cleaning products and disinfectants and offspring asthma.,
J Allergy Clin Immunol,