Collaborates with colophony and diagnosistics in occupational asthma. Member of GORDS
Chris is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.
Barber CM, Cullinan P, Feary J, Fishwick D, Hoyle J, Mainman H, Walters GI,
British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on occupational asthma ,
2022;77:433-442,http:// dx. doi. org/ 10. 1136/ thoraxjnl- 2021- 218597
Seed MJ, Carder M, Gittins M, Sen D, Money A, Fishwick D, Barber CM, van Tongeren M.,
Emerging trends in the UK incidence of occupational asthma: should we be worried?,
Occup Environ Med,
Barber CM, Burge PS, Feary JR, Parfrey H, Renzoni EA, Spencer LG, Walters GI, Wiggans RE, the of behalf on Participants GHS,
Identifying causation in hypersensitivity pneumonitis: a British perspective,
BMJ Open Respiratory Research,
James PL, Cannon J, Barber CM, Crawford L, Hughes H, Jones M, Szram J, Cowman S, Cookson WOC, Moffatt MF, Cullinan P,
Metal worker’s lung: spatial association with Mycobacterium avium ,
James PL, Cannon J, Crawford L, DSouza E, Barber C, Cowman S, Cookson WO, Moffatt MF, Cullinan P,
Molecular Detection of Mycobacterium Avium in Aerosolised Metal Working Fluid is Linked to a Localised Outbreak of Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis in Factory Workers,
Am J Respir Crit Care Med,
Barber CM, Burton CM, Hendrick DJ, Pickering CA, Robertson AS, Robertson W, Burge PS,
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis in workers exposed to metalworking fluids,
Am J Industr Med,
Fishwick D, Barber CM, Bradshaw LM, Ayres JG, Barraclough R, Burge S, Corne JM, Cullinan P, Frank TL, Hendrick D, Hoyle J, Curran AD, Niven R, Pickering T, Reid P, Robertson A, Stenton C, Warburton CJ, Nicholson PJ,
Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update
Harris-Roberts J, Bowen J, Sumner J, Stocks-Greaves M, Bradshaw L, Fishwick D, Barber CM,
Work-related symptoms in nail salon technicians,
Occup Med,
Harris-Roberts J, Fishwick D, Tate P, Rawbone R, Stagg S, Barber CM, Adisesh A,
Respiratory symptoms in insect breeders,
Occup Med,
Barber CM, Naylor S, Bradshaw L, Francis M, Harris-Roberts J, Rawbone R, Curran A, Fishwick D,
Facilities for investigating occupational asthma in UK non-specialist respiratory departments,
Occup Med,
Fishwick D, Barber CM, Bradshaw LM, Harris-Roberts J, Francis M, Naylor S, Ayres J, Burge PS, Corne JM, Cullinan P, Frank TL, Hendrick D, Hoyle J, Jaakkola M, Newman Taylor AJ, Nicholson P, Niven R,
Standards of care for occupational asthma,
Barber CM, Naylor S, Bradshaw LM, Francis M, Harris-Roberts J, Rawbone R, Curran AD, Fishwick D,
Approaches to the diagnosis and management of occupational asthma amongst UK respiratory physicians,
Respir Med,
Fishwick D, Bradshaw L, Henson M, Stenton C, Hendrick D, Burge PS, Niven R, Warburton C, Rogers T, Rawbone R, Cullinan P, Barber C, Pickering CAC, Williams N, Ayres JA, Curran AD,
Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians,
Occup Environ Med,
Elms J, Fishwick D, Robinson E, Burge S, Huggins V, Barber C, Williams N, Curran A,
Specific IgE to colophony?,
Occup Med,