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Ed Robinson (Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, UK)

Ed is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.

Abstract Available for Underestimation of spirometry if recommended testing guidance is not followed Sumner J, Robinson E, Bradshaw L, Lewis L, Warren N, Young C, Fishwick D, Underestimation of spirometry if recommended testing guidance is not followed, Occup Med, 2018;68:126-128,https://doi.org/10.1093/occmed/kqy007
David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Underestimation of spirometry if recommended testing guidance is not followed' Lisa Bradshaw, Health and Safety Laboratories, an author of 'Underestimation of spirometry if recommended testing guidance is not followed' Ed Robinson, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, UK, an author of 'Underestimation of spirometry if recommended testing guidance is not followed'

Abstract Available for Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries Fishwick D, Harris-Roberts J, Robinson E, Evans G, Barraclough R, Sen D, Curran AD, Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries, Occup Med, 2011;61:321-327,
Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries' Ed Robinson, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, UK, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries' Dil Sen, Health and Safety Executive, UK, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries' Gareth Evans, HSL, Buxton, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries' Richard Barraclough, Manchester, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries'

Abstract Available for Hypersensitivity pneumonitis and metalworking fluids contaminated by mycobacteria Barber CM, Burton C, Robinson E, Crook B, Evans G, Fishwick D, Hypersensitivity pneumonitis and metalworking fluids contaminated by mycobacteria, Eur Respir J, 2011;38:486-487,
David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Hypersensitivity pneumonitis and metalworking fluids contaminated by mycobacteria' Chris Barber, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, an author of 'Hypersensitivity pneumonitis and metalworking fluids contaminated by mycobacteria' Ed Robinson, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, UK, an author of 'Hypersensitivity pneumonitis and metalworking fluids contaminated by mycobacteria' Gareth Evans, HSL, Buxton, an author of 'Hypersensitivity pneumonitis and metalworking fluids contaminated by mycobacteria' Clare Burton, Sheffield University and HSL Buxton, an author of 'Hypersensitivity pneumonitis and metalworking fluids contaminated by mycobacteria'

Abstract Available for Optimized methods for fungal a-amylase airborne exposure assessment in bakeries and mills Sander I, Zahradnik E, Raulf-Heimsoth M, Wouters IM, Renström A, Harris-Roberts J, Robinson E, Rodrigo MJ, Goldscheid N, Brüning T, Doekes G, Optimized methods for fungal a-amylase airborne exposure assessment in bakeries and mills , Clin Exp Allergy, 2007;37:1229-1238,
Joanne Harris-Roberts (nee Elms), HSL, Buxton, UK, an author of 'Optimized methods for fungal a-amylase airborne exposure assessment in bakeries and mills' Ed Robinson, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, UK, an author of 'Optimized methods for fungal a-amylase airborne exposure assessment in bakeries and mills' Monika Raulf-Heimsoth, Bochum, an author of 'Optimized methods for fungal a-amylase airborne exposure assessment in bakeries and mills'

Full Text Available for An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant Dawkins P, Robertson AS, Robertson W, Moore V, Reynolds J, Langman G, Robinson E, Harris-Roberts J, Crook B, Burge PS, An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant, Occup Med, 2006;56:559-565,
Joanne Harris-Roberts (nee Elms), HSL, Buxton, UK, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant' Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant' Vicky Moore, Oasys, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant' Alastair Robertson, Selly Oak Hospital, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant' Wendy Robertson, Public Health, Warwick University, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant' Ed Robinson, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, UK, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant' Paul Dawkins, University Hospital Birmingham, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant' John Reynolds, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant' Gerald Langman, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant'

Full Text Available for Specific IgE to colophony? Elms J, Fishwick D, Robinson E, Burge S, Huggins V, Barber C, Williams N, Curran A, Specific IgE to colophony?, Occup Med, 2005;55:234-237,
Joanne Harris-Roberts (nee Elms), HSL, Buxton, UK, an author of 'Specific IgE to colophony?' Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Specific IgE to colophony?' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Specific IgE to colophony?' Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'Specific IgE to colophony?' Vicky Moore, Oasys, an author of 'Specific IgE to colophony?' Nerys Williams, Department of Work and Pensions, an author of 'Specific IgE to colophony?' Chris Barber, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, an author of 'Specific IgE to colophony?' Ed Robinson, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, UK, an author of 'Specific IgE to colophony?'

Ed Robinson (2007)

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