Dil Sen (Health and Safety Executive, UK)

Dil is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.

Abstract Available for Emerging trends in the UK incidence of occupational asthma: should we be worried? Seed MJ, Carder M, Gittins M, Sen D, Money A, Fishwick D, Barber CM, van Tongeren M., Emerging trends in the UK incidence of occupational asthma: should we be worried?, Occup Environ Med, 2019;76:396-397,10.1136/oemed-2018-105414
David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Emerging trends in the UK incidence of occupational asthma: should we be worried?' Chris Barber, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, an author of 'Emerging trends in the UK incidence of occupational asthma: should we be worried?' Martin Seed, Manchester University, an author of 'Emerging trends in the UK incidence of occupational asthma: should we be worried?' Dil Sen, Health and Safety Executive, UK, an author of 'Emerging trends in the UK incidence of occupational asthma: should we be worried?' Annemarie Money, Manchester University, an author of 'Emerging trends in the UK incidence of occupational asthma: should we be worried?' Melanie Carder, COEH Manchester, an author of 'Emerging trends in the UK incidence of occupational asthma: should we be worried?' Martie van Tongeren, Manchester University, an author of 'Emerging trends in the UK incidence of occupational asthma: should we be worried?'

Abstract Available for Health surveillance for occupational asthma in the UK Fishwick D, Sen D, Barker P, Codling A, Fox D, Naylor S, Health surveillance for occupational asthma in the UK , Occup Med, 2016;66:365-370,10.1093/occmed/kqw028
David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Health surveillance for occupational asthma in the UK' Dil Sen, Health and Safety Executive, UK, an author of 'Health surveillance for occupational asthma in the UK'

Abstract Available for Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries Fishwick D, Harris-Roberts J, Robinson E, Evans G, Barraclough R, Sen D, Curran AD, Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries, Occup Med, 2011;61:321-327,
Andrew Curran, HSL, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries' Ed Robinson, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, UK, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries' Dil Sen, Health and Safety Executive, UK, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries' Gareth Evans, HSL, Buxton, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries' Richard Barraclough, Manchester, an author of 'Impact of worker education on respiratory symptoms and sensitization in bakeries'

Full Text Available for Occupational asthma in fruit salad processing Sen D, Wiley K, Williams JG, Occupational asthma in fruit salad processing, Clin Exp Allergy, 1998;28:363-367,
Dil Sen, Health and Safety Executive, UK, an author of 'Occupational asthma in fruit salad processing'

Dil Sen (2007)

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