Professor and Director of the Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Birmingham University, UK.
Collaborates with Shield and its Scottish counterpart Scottish Shield / Soldier ( - see links in the Shield section of this website)
Jon is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.
Rai KK, Adab P, Ayres JG, Siebert WS, Sadhra SS, Sitch AJ, Fitzmaurice DA,
Factors associated with work productivity among people with COPD: Birmingham COPD Cohort ,
Occup Environ Med,
Fishwick D, Barber CM, Bradshaw LM, Ayres JG, Barraclough R, Burge S, Corne JM, Cullinan P, Frank TL, Hendrick D, Hoyle J, Curran AD, Niven R, Pickering T, Reid P, Robertson A, Stenton C, Warburton CJ, Nicholson PJ,
Standards of care for occupational asthma: an update
Fishwick D, Barber CM, Bradshaw LM, Harris-Roberts J, Francis M, Naylor S, Ayres J, Burge PS, Corne JM, Cullinan P, Frank TL, Hendrick D, Hoyle J, Jaakkola M, Newman Taylor AJ, Nicholson P, Niven R,
Standards of care for occupational asthma,
Fishwick D, Bradshaw L, Henson M, Stenton C, Hendrick D, Burge PS, Niven R, Warburton C, Rogers T, Rawbone R, Cullinan P, Barber C, Pickering CAC, Williams N, Ayres JA, Curran AD,
Occupational asthma: an assessment of diagnostic agreement between physicians,
Occup Environ Med,
Francis HC, Prys-Picard CO, Fishwick D, Stenton C, Burge PS, Bradshaw LM, Ayres JG, Campbell SM, Niven RM,
Defining and investigating occupational asthma: a consensus approach,
Occup Environ Med,
Hawker JI, Ayres JG, Blair I, Evans MR, Smith DL, Smith EG, Burge PS, Carpenter MJ, Caul EO, Coupland B, Desselberger U, Farrell ID, Saunders PJ, Wood MJ,
A large outbreak of Q fever in the West Midlands: windborne spread into a metropolitan area?,
Commun Dis Public Health,
Smith DL, Ayres JG, Blair I, Burge PS, Carpenter MJ, Caul EO, Coupland B, Desselberger U, Evans M, Farrell ID, et al,
A large Q fever outbreak in the West Midlands: clinical aspects,
Respir Med,