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Full Text Available for Cannabis-related allergies: An international overview and consensus recommendations Skypala IJ, Jeimy S, Brucker H, Nayak AP, Decuyper II, Bernstein JA, Connors L, Kanani A, Klimek L, Lo SCR, Murphy KR, Nanda A, Poole JA, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Sussman G, Zeiger JS, Goodman RE, Ellis AK, Silvers WS, Ebo DG, Cannabis-related allergies: An international overview and consensus recommendations, Allergy, 2022;:,doi:10.1111/all.15237

Abstract Available for IgE-mediated chlorhexidine allergy—Cross-reactivity with other biguanide disinfectants. Mueller-Wirth N, Buenter A, Jörg L, Ebo DG, Glatz M, Fernando SL, Spoerl D, Helbling A, Hausmann O, Gupta N, Pichler WJ, IgE-mediated chlorhexidine allergy—Cross-reactivity with other biguanide disinfectants., Allergy, 2020;75:3237-3247,
Neeraj Gupta, Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi, an author of 'IgE-mediated chlorhexidine allergy—Cross-reactivity with other biguanide disinfectants.'

Full Text Available for Respiratory symptoms and use of dust-control measures in New Zealand construction workers – A cross-sectional study. Keer S, Brooks C, Glass B, McLean D, Harding E, Douwes J, Respiratory symptoms and use of dust-control measures in New Zealand construction workers – A cross-sectional study., Plos one, 2022;17:e0266668,
Jeroen Douwes, Massey University, Wellington, NZ, an author of 'Respiratory symptoms and use of dust-control measures in New Zealand construction workers – A cross-sectional study.' Bill Glass, Christchurch, New Zealand, an author of 'Respiratory symptoms and use of dust-control measures in New Zealand construction workers – A cross-sectional study.'

Abstract Available for Occupational asthma in office workers Huntley CC, Burge PS, Moore VC, Robertson AS, Walters GI, Occupational asthma in office workers, Occup Environ Med, 2022;72:414,
Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'Occupational asthma in office workers' Vicky Moore, Oasys, an author of 'Occupational asthma in office workers' Alastair Robertson, Selly Oak Hospital, an author of 'Occupational asthma in office workers' Gareth Walters, Heartlands, an author of 'Occupational asthma in office workers' Chris Huntley, University Hospitals Birmingham, an author of 'Occupational asthma in office workers'

Full Text Available for Exposure to the fish parasite Anisakis causes allergic airway hyperreactivity and dermatitis Nieuwenhuizen N, Lopata AL, Jeebhay MF, De'Broski RH, Robins TG, Brombacher F, Exposure to the fish parasite Anisakis causes allergic airway hyperreactivity and dermatitis, J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2006;117:1098-1105,
Mohammed Jeebhay, Cape Town, an author of 'Exposure to the fish parasite Anisakis causes allergic airway hyperreactivity and dermatitis'

Abstract Available for Rhino Conjunctivitis and Asthma Among Seafood Processing Workers in Greenland. A Cross-Sectional Study Laustsen BH, Omland Ø, Würtz ET, Sigsgaard T, Ebbehøj NE, Carstensen O, Rasmussen K, Kamath SD, Lopata AL, Bønløkke JH, Rhino Conjunctivitis and Asthma Among Seafood Processing Workers in Greenland. A Cross-Sectional Study, Front.Allergy, 2021;2:747011,
Torben Sigsgaard, University of Aarhus, an author of 'Rhino Conjunctivitis and Asthma Among Seafood Processing Workers in Greenland. A Cross-Sectional Study' Oyvind Omland, Aahus Denmark, an author of 'Rhino Conjunctivitis and Asthma Among Seafood Processing Workers in Greenland. A Cross-Sectional Study'

Abstract Available for Impact of using different predictive equations on the prevalence of chronic byssinosis in textile workers in Pakistan Nafees AA, Muneer MZ, Matteis SD, Amaral A, Burney P, Cullinan P, Impact of using different predictive equations on the prevalence of chronic byssinosis in textile workers in Pakistan, Occup Environ Med, 2022;79:242-244,
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Impact of using different predictive equations on the prevalence of chronic byssinosis in textile workers in Pakistan' Peter Burney, Kings College, London, an author of 'Impact of using different predictive equations on the prevalence of chronic byssinosis in textile workers in Pakistan'

Abstract Available for Common idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis risk variants are associated with hypersensitivity pneumonitis Furusawa H, Peljto AL, Walts AD, Cardwell J, Molyneaux PL, Lee JS, Pérez ERF, Wolters PJ, Yang IV, Schwartz DA, Common idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis risk variants are associated with hypersensitivity pneumonitis, Thorax, 2022;77:508-510,

Full Text Available for British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on occupational asthma Barber CM, Cullinan P, Feary J, Fishwick D, Hoyle J, Mainman H, Walters GI, British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on occupational asthma , Thorax, 2022;77:433-442,http:// dx. doi. org/ 10. 1136/ thoraxjnl- 2021- 218597
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on occupational asthma' David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on occupational asthma' Jennifer Hoyle, North Manchester General Hospital, an author of 'British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on occupational asthma' Chris Barber, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, an author of 'British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on occupational asthma' Gareth Walters, Heartlands, an author of 'British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on occupational asthma' Jo Feary, Royal Brompton Hospital, an author of 'British Thoracic Society Clinical Statement on occupational asthma'

Full Text Available for Association of occupational and environmental clinics exposure code system and criteria for substances that cause work-related asthma Kirkland KH, Rosenman KD, Association of occupational and environmental clinics exposure code system and criteria for substances that cause work-related asthma, Occup Environ Med, 2022;79:287-288,

Abstract Available for Dysanapsis—Once Believed to be a Physiological Curiosity—Is Now Clinically Important Thompson BR, Dysanapsis—Once Believed to be a Physiological Curiosity—Is Now Clinically Important, Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2017;195:277-278,10.1164/rccm.201609-1959ED

Abstract Available for Assessment and outcomes of firefighter applicants with possible asthma Kabir T, Schofield S, Fitzgerald B, Cannon J, Szram J, Feary J, Assessment and outcomes of firefighter applicants with possible asthma, Occup Med, 2022;72:118-124,
Julie Cannon, Royal Brompton Hospital London, an author of 'Assessment and outcomes of firefighter applicants with possible asthma' Joanna Szram, Royal Brompton Hospital, an author of 'Assessment and outcomes of firefighter applicants with possible asthma' Jo Feary, Royal Brompton Hospital, an author of 'Assessment and outcomes of firefighter applicants with possible asthma'

Abstract Available for Effect of low concentrations of ozone on inhaled allergen responses in asthmatic subjects Molfino NA, Wright SC, Katz I, Tarlo S, Silverman F, McClean PA, Slutsky AS, Zamel N, Szalai JP, Raizenne M, Effect of low concentrations of ozone on inhaled allergen responses in asthmatic subjects, Lancet, 1991;338:199-203,
Susan Tarlo, Toronto, an author of 'Effect of low concentrations of ozone on inhaled allergen responses in asthmatic subjects'

Abstract Available for Nitrogen dioxide exposure and airway responsiveness in individuals with asthma Brown JS, Nitrogen dioxide exposure and airway responsiveness in individuals with asthma, Inhalation Toxicology, 2015;27:1-14,

Abstract Available for Effects of Nitrogen Dioxide on Allergic Airway Responses in Subjects With Asthma Witten A, Solomon C, Abbritti E, Arjomandi M, Zhai W, Kleinman M, Balmes J, Effects of Nitrogen Dioxide on Allergic Airway Responses in Subjects With Asthma, J Occup Environ Med, 2005;47:1250-1259,

Full Text Available for Bronchial reactions to exposure to welding fumes Contreras GR, Chan-Yeung M, Bronchial reactions to exposure to welding fumes, Occup Environ Med, 1997;54:836-839,
Moira Chan-Yeung, University of Hong Kong, an author of 'Bronchial reactions to exposure to welding fumes'

Abstract Available for Evaluation of the utility of spirometry in a regional public health screening program for workers exposed to welding fumes Rossignol M, Seguin P, DeGuire L, Evaluation of the utility of spirometry in a regional public health screening program for workers exposed to welding fumes, Occupational Health and Industrial Medicine, 1997;36:130,

Full Text Available for A prospective study of decline in lung function in relation to welding emissions. Christensen, S.W., Bonde, J.P. & Omland, Ø., A prospective study of decline in lung function in relation to welding emissions.,, 2008;3:6,

Abstract Available for Pulmonary responses to welding fumes: role of metal constituents. Antonini JM, Taylor MD, Zimmer AT, Roberts JR, Pulmonary responses to welding fumes: role of metal constituents., J Toxicol Environ Health, 2004;67:233-249,

Full Text Available for Welding fume exposure is associated with inflammation: a global metabolomics profiling study Shen S, Zhang R, Zhang J, Wei Y, Guo Y, Su L, Chen F, Christiani DC, Welding fume exposure is associated with inflammation: a global metabolomics profiling study, Environmental Health, 2018;68:,

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