Moira is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.
Tarlo SM, Boulet LP, Cartier A, Cockcroft D, Cote J, Hargreave FE, Holness L, Liss G, Malo JL, ChanYeung M,
Canadian Thoracic Society guidelines for occupational asthma,
Can Respir J,
Frew A, Chang JH, Chan H, Quirce S, Noertjojo K, Keown P, ChanYeung, M,
T-lymphocyte responses to plicatic acid-human serum albumin conjugate in occupational asthma caused by western red cedar,
J Allergy Clin Immunol,
Perrin B, Cartier A, Ghezzo H, Grammer L, Harris K, Chan H, ChanYeung M, Malo JL,
Reassessment of the temporal patterns of bronchial obstruction after exposure to occupational sensitizing agents,
J Allergy Clin Immunol,
Chan H, Tse KS, van Oostdam J, Moreno R, Pare PD, ChanYeung M,
A rabbit model of hypersensitivity to plicatic acid, the agent responsible for red cedar asthma,
J Allergy Clin Immunol,
Vedal S, ChanYeung M, Enarson D, Fera T, MacLean L, Tse KS, Langille R,
Symptoms and pulmonary function in Western Red Cedar workers related to duration of employment and dust exposure,
Arch Environ Health,
Johanson A, ChanYeung M, MacLean L, Atkins E, Dybuncio A, Cheng F, Enarson D,
Respiratory abnormalities among workers in an iron and steel foundry,
Brit J Industr Med,
ChanYeung M, Vedal S, Lam S, Enarson D,
Immediate skin reactivity and its relationship to age, sex, smoking, and occupational exposure,
Arch Environ Health,
Block G, Tse KS, Chan KKH, ChanYeung M,
Baker's asthma,
Clin Allergy,
ChanYeung M, Vedal S, Kus J, MacLean L, Enarson D, Tse KS,
Symptoms, pulmonary function and bronchial reactivity in Western Red Cedar workers compared with those of office workers,
Am Rev Respir Dis,
ChanYeung M, Wong R, MacLean L, Tan F, Schulzer M, Enarson D, Martin A, Dennis R, Gryzbowski S,
Epidemiologic health study of workers in an aluminium smelter in British Colombia. Effects on the respiratory system,
Am Rev Respir Dis,
Block G, Tse KS, Kijek K, Chan H, ChanYeung M,
Baker's asthma,
Clin Allergy,
ChanYeung M, Wong R, MacLean L, Tan F, Dorken E, Schulzer M, Dennis R, Grzybowski S,
Respiratory survey of workers in a pulp and paper mill in Powell River, British Colombia,
Am Rev Respir Dis,