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Abstract Available for Allergens and their associated small molecule ligands - their dual role in sensitization Chruszcz M, Chew FT, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Hurlburt BK, Mueller GA, Pomés A, Rouvinen J, Villalba M, Wöhrl BM, Breiteneder H, Allergens and their associated small molecule ligands - their dual role in sensitization, Allergy, 2021;:,10.1111/all.14861

Full Text Available for Occupations and exposure events in acute and subacute irritant-induced asthma Lindström I, Lantto J, Karvala K, Soini S, Ylinen K, Suojalehto H, Suuronen K, Occupations and exposure events in acute and subacute irritant-induced asthma, Occup Environ Med, 2021;78:793-800,
Hille Suojalehto, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Occupations and exposure events in acute and subacute irritant-induced asthma' Irmeli Lindstrom, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Occupations and exposure events in acute and subacute irritant-induced asthma'

Abstract Available for Waterproofing spray-associated pneumonitis review: Comparison with acute eosinophilic pneumonia and hypersensitivity pneumonitis ShimodaMorimoto M, Yano R, Kokutou H, Yoshimori K, Ohta K, Tanaka Y, Fujiwara K, Furuuchi K, Osawa T, Kozo, Waterproofing spray-associated pneumonitis review: Comparison with acute eosinophilic pneumonia and hypersensitivity pneumonitis, Review Medicine, 2021;12;100(10)::e25054,10.1097/MD.0000000000025054.

Abstract Available for A Cluster of Beryllium Sensitization Traced to the Presence of Beryllium in Concrete Dust Frye BC, Quartucci MC, Rakete MS, Grubanovic PA, Höhne MK, Mangold PF, Gieré MR, Müller-Quernheim PJ, Zissel MG, PhD, A Cluster of Beryllium Sensitization Traced to the Presence of Beryllium in Concrete Dust, Chest, 2021;159:1084-1093,

Abstract Available for Pulmonary Function Testing in Work-Related Asthma: An Overview from Spirometry to Specific Inhalation Challenge Poussel M, Thaon I, Penven E, Tiotiu AI, Pulmonary Function Testing in Work-Related Asthma: An Overview from Spirometry to Specific Inhalation Challenge, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2021;18:2325,

Abstract Available for Household cleaning and poor asthma control among elderly women. OrianneDumas, Bédard A, Marbac M, Sedk M, SofiaTemam, Chanoine S, Severi G, Boutron-Ruault M, Garcia-Aymerich J, Siroux V, Varraso R, Moual NL, Household cleaning and poor asthma control among elderly women., J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract, 2021;:,

Abstract Available for The Global Lung Function Initiative: dispelling some myths of lung function test interpretation Stanojevic S, Quanjer P, Miller MR, Stocks J, The Global Lung Function Initiative: dispelling some myths of lung function test interpretation, Breathe, 2013;9:463-474,

Abstract Available for The impact of the aetiology of COPD, bronchitis and bronchiolitis Schlunssen V, Wurtz ET, Hansen MRH, Miller M, Sigsgaard T, Omland O, The impact of the aetiology of COPD, bronchitis and bronchiolitis, In: Feary J, Suojalehto H, Cullinan P, eds. Occupational and Environmental Lung Disease (ERS Monogra, 2020;:86-103,
Torben Sigsgaard, University of Aarhus, an author of 'The impact of the aetiology of COPD, bronchitis and bronchiolitis' Martin Miller, Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham, an author of 'The impact of the aetiology of COPD, bronchitis and bronchiolitis' Oyvind Omland, Aahus Denmark, an author of 'The impact of the aetiology of COPD, bronchitis and bronchiolitis' Vivi Schlunssen, Aarhus, an author of 'The impact of the aetiology of COPD, bronchitis and bronchiolitis'

Full Text Available for Exposure to additives or multigrain flour is associated with high risk of work-related allergic symptoms among bakers Olivieri M, Murgia N, Spiteri G, Biscardo CA, Marchetti P, Folletti I, Verlato G, Exposure to additives or multigrain flour is associated with high risk of work-related allergic symptoms among bakers, Occup Environ Med, 2021;78:112-116,
Ilenia Folletti, Perugia, an author of 'Exposure to additives or multigrain flour is associated with high risk of work-related allergic symptoms among bakers'

Abstract Available for Insufficient respiratory hazard identification in the safety data sheets for cleaning and disinfection products used in healthcare organisations across England and Wales. Lee S, Povey AC, Seed MJ, van Tongeren M , Insufficient respiratory hazard identification in the safety data sheets for cleaning and disinfection products used in healthcare organisations across England and Wales., Occup Environ Med, 2021;78:293-295,
Martin Seed, Manchester University, an author of 'Insufficient respiratory hazard identification in the safety data sheets for cleaning and disinfection products used in healthcare organisations across England and Wales.' Martie van Tongeren, Manchester University, an author of 'Insufficient respiratory hazard identification in the safety data sheets for cleaning and disinfection products used in healthcare organisations across England and Wales.'

Full Text Available for Work-Related Asthma in Health Care in Ontario Liss GM, Buyantseva L, Luce CE, Ribeiro M, Manno M, Tarlo SM, Work-Related Asthma in Health Care in Ontario, Am J Industr Med, 2011;54:278-284,DOI http.10.1002/ajim.20935
Garry Liss, Toronto, an author of 'Work-Related Asthma in Health Care in Ontario' Susan Tarlo, Toronto, an author of 'Work-Related Asthma in Health Care in Ontario'

Abstract Available for The New Zealand Workforce Survey II: Occupational Risk Factors for Asthma Eng A, Mannetje AT, Douwes J, Cheng S, McLean D, Ellison-Loschmann L, Pearce N, The New Zealand Workforce Survey II: Occupational Risk Factors for Asthma, Ann Occup Hyg, 2010;54:154-164,
Jeroen Douwes, Massey University, Wellington, NZ, an author of 'The New Zealand Workforce Survey II: Occupational Risk Factors for Asthma'

Abstract Available for Work-related asthma in the Educational Services industry: California, Massachusetts, Michigan, and New Jersey, 1993–2000 Mazurek JM, Filios M, Willis R, Rosenman KD, Reilly MJ, McGreevy K, Schill DP, Valiante D, Pechter E, Davis L, Flattery J, Harrison R, Work-related asthma in the Educational Services industry: California, Massachusetts, Michigan, and New Jersey, 1993–2000, Am J Ind Med, 2008;51:47-59,

Abstract Available for Trends in Occupations and Work Sectors Among Patients With Work-Related Asthma at a Canadian Tertiary Care Clinic Gotzev S, Joshua S, Lipszyc C, DaleConnor, Tarlo SM, Trends in Occupations and Work Sectors Among Patients With Work-Related Asthma at a Canadian Tertiary Care Clinic, Chest, 2016;150:811-818,
Susan Tarlo, Toronto, an author of 'Trends in Occupations and Work Sectors Among Patients With Work-Related Asthma at a Canadian Tertiary Care Clinic'

Abstract Available for Residential Dampness and Molds and the Risk of Developing Asthma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Quansah R, Jaakkola MS, Hugg TT, Heikkinen SAM, Jaakkola JJK, Residential Dampness and Molds and the Risk of Developing Asthma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, PLOS ONE, 2012;7:e47526,
Maritta Jaakkola, Oulu University Finland, an author of 'Residential Dampness and Molds and the Risk of Developing Asthma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis' Jouni Jaakkola, Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Birmingham, an author of 'Residential Dampness and Molds and the Risk of Developing Asthma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis'

Abstract Available for Prolonged exposure to damp and moldy workplaces and new-onset asthma Karvala K, Toskala E, Luukkonen R, Uitti J, Lappalainen S, Nordman H, Prolonged exposure to damp and moldy workplaces and new-onset asthma, Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 2011;84:713,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Prolonged exposure to damp and moldy workplaces and new-onset asthma'

Abstract Available for Asthma related to workplace dampness and impaired work ability Karvala K, Nordman H, Luukkonen R, Uitti J, Asthma related to workplace dampness and impaired work ability, Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 2014;87:1-11,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Asthma related to workplace dampness and impaired work ability'

Abstract Available for New-onset adult asthma in relation to damp and moldy workplaces Karvala K, Toskala E, Luukkonen R, Lappalainen S, Uitti J, Nordman H, New-onset adult asthma in relation to damp and moldy workplaces, Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 2010;83:855-865,
Henrik Nordman, Finnsh Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'New-onset adult asthma in relation to damp and moldy workplaces'

Abstract Available for Work-related asthma in teachers in Connecticut: association with chronic water damage and fungal growth in schools. Dangman KH1, Bracker AL, Storey E, Work-related asthma in teachers in Connecticut: association with chronic water damage and fungal growth in schools., Connecticut Medicine, 2005;69:9-17,

Abstract Available for Occupational asthma caused by triglycidyl isocyanurate Sastre J, Carnes J, del Potro MG, Manso L, Aguado E, Fernández-Nieto M, Occupational asthma caused by triglycidyl isocyanurate, Int J Occup Med Environ Health, 2011;84:547-549,
Joaquin Sastre, Fundacion Jimenez Diaz, Madrid, an author of 'Occupational asthma caused by triglycidyl isocyanurate'

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