"Employers and their health and safety personnel should inform workers about any causes of occupational asthma in the workplace and the need to report any relevant symptoms as soon as they develop" - UK Occupational asthma guidelines
Occupational asthma information for workers, those diagnosed with occupational asthma and concerned friends and family.
The jobs section contains information on the dangers of occupational asthma in selected jobs. references and links are provided. |
The agents section contains information on the occupational asthma causative agents / sensitisers. Related jobs, references and links are provided. |
Have I got occupational asthma?
In order to find out if you have occupational asthma you will need to measure your breathing and have the results analysed. Follow the links below (preferably in order) to find out how. In the UK you can simply go to your GP and inform them that you may have occupational asthma.
Discussions for workers
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Worker Resources
Pages for Workers
Links for Workers
British Lung Foundation
The British Lung Foundation is the only charity in the UK that funds research into the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure of all lung diseases. It also runs the Breathe Easy network, offering information and support to lung condition sufferers, their friends, families, carers and health professionals. | |
WebMD Health - Asthma and Occupational Asthma
This United States website has a lot of non technical information about asthma and some about occupational asthma. It clearly explains the basics and goes on to talk about asthma triggers, diagnosis and treatment options, living with asthma day to day, instructions for taking different types of inhalers and suchlike. | |
American Lung Association (includes other hazards and diseases besides asthma)
A voluntary US organisation aiming to prevent lung disease and promote lung health. A lot of specialist and non specialist information. Over 200 local centres within the US. | |