Data entry sheet for recording serial peak flow |
In order for the OASYS program to analyse a patient for signs of occupational asthma a record of the patients peak flow must be kept.
The OASYS program can only perform an accurate analysis if the peak flow data is sufficient. The minimum requirement is for peak expiratory flow to be recorded at least 4 times daily over 2 weeks, for the times of starting and stopping work on each day to be known and for the treatment to be kept constant throughout. Records are better if they are carried out for 4 weeks with 2 hourly measurements.
The form is two sided, one side contains instructions on recording peak flow to be read by the patient, the other side is for recording the data. It is recommended to print out the front and the back and then print these two sided on thin card. If this is not feasible then a double sided photocopier is probably the next best bet.