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Abstract Available for Cartier A,, Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol, 2020;-:-,
André Cartier, Hôpital de Sacré Coeur, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, an author of ''

Full Text Available for Work environment factors and respiratory complaints in Norwegian cooks Svedahl SR, Hilt B, Svendsen K, Work environment factors and respiratory complaints in Norwegian cooks, Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 2020;93:205-212,

Full Text Available for Work-related adverse respiratory health outcomes at a machine manufacturing facility with a cluster of bronchiolitis, alveolar ductitis and emphysema (BADE) Cummings KJ, Stanton ML, Kreiss K, Boylstein RJ, Park J, Cox-Ganser JM, Virji MA, Edwards NT, Segal LN, Blaser MJ, Weissman DN, Nett RJ, Work-related adverse respiratory health outcomes at a machine manufacturing facility with a cluster of bronchiolitis, alveolar ductitis and emphysema (BADE), Occup Environ Med, 2020;77:386-392.,
Kay Kreiss, NIOSH, Morgantown USA, an author of 'Work-related adverse respiratory health outcomes at a machine manufacturing facility with a cluster of bronchiolitis, alveolar ductitis and emphysema (BADE)'

Abstract Available for Severe asthma due to occupational exposure to Guar Gum: is Lipid Transfer Protein involved? Crivellaro MA, Malipiero G, Maculan P, Senna G, Passalacqua G, Maestrelli P, Severe asthma due to occupational exposure to Guar Gum: is Lipid Transfer Protein involved?, Occup Environ Med, 2020;77:427,
Piero Maestrelli, Padova University, Italy, an author of 'Severe asthma due to occupational exposure to Guar Gum: is Lipid Transfer Protein involved?'

Abstract Available for Innate lymphoid cells in isocyanate-induced asthma: role of microRNA-155 Blomme EE, Provoost S, Bazzan E, Van Eeckhoutte HP, Roffel MP, Pollaris L, Bontinck A, Bonato M, Vandenbroucke L, Verhamme F, Joos GF, Cosio MG, Vanoirbeek JAJ, Brusselle GG, Saetta M, Maes T., Innate lymphoid cells in isocyanate-induced asthma: role of microRNA-155, Eur Respir J, 2020;55:,10.1183/13993003.01289-2019

Full Text Available for Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma Feary J, Cannon J, Fitzgerald B, Szram J, Scofield S, Cullinan P, Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma , Occup Med, 2020;70:231-234,
Paul Cullinan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK, an author of 'Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma' Julie Cannon, Royal Brompton Hospital London, an author of 'Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma' Joanna Szram, Royal Brompton Hospital, an author of 'Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma' Jo Feary, Royal Brompton Hospital, an author of 'Follow-up survey of patients with occupational asthma'

Abstract Available for Predictive value of non-specific bronchial challenge testing for respiratory symptoms and lung function in aluminium smelter workers Abramson MJ, Gwini SM, de Klerk NH, Monaco AD, Dennekamp M, Fritschi L, Dimitriadis C, Mohebbi M, Musk AW, Sim MR, Predictive value of non-specific bronchial challenge testing for respiratory symptoms and lung function in aluminium smelter workers, Occup Environ Med, 2020;77:535-539,

Full Text Available for Occupational Exposure to Flour Dust. Exposure Assessment and Effectiveness of Control Measures Martinelli A, Salamon F, Scapellato ML, Trevisan A, Vianello L, Bizzotto R, Crivellaro MA, Carrieri M, Occupational Exposure to Flour Dust. Exposure Assessment and Effectiveness of Control Measures, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2020;17:5182,

Abstract Available for Identification of late asthmatic reactions following specific inhalation challenge Moore VC, Walters GI, Robertson AS, Burge PS, Identification of late asthmatic reactions following specific inhalation challenge, Occup Environ Med, 2020;77:728-731,
Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'Identification of late asthmatic reactions following specific inhalation challenge' Vicky Moore, Oasys, an author of 'Identification of late asthmatic reactions following specific inhalation challenge' Alastair Robertson, Selly Oak Hospital, an author of 'Identification of late asthmatic reactions following specific inhalation challenge' Gareth Walters, Heartlands, an author of 'Identification of late asthmatic reactions following specific inhalation challenge'

Full Text Available for The validity of the Canadian clinical scores for occupational asthma in European populations Suarthana E, Taghiakbari M, Saha-Chaudhuri P, Rifflart C, Suojalehto H, Hölttä P, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Wiszniewska M, Muñoz X, Romero-Mesones C, Sastre J, Rial MJ, Henneberger PK, Vandenplas O, The validity of the Canadian clinical scores for occupational asthma in European populations, Allergy, 2020;75:2124-2126,doi:10.1111/all.14294
Paul Henneberger, NIOSH, Morgantown, USA, an author of 'The validity of the Canadian clinical scores for occupational asthma in European populations' Olivier Vandenplas, Universite Mont-Goginne, Yvoir, an author of 'The validity of the Canadian clinical scores for occupational asthma in European populations' Joaquin Sastre, Fundacion Jimenez Diaz, Madrid, an author of 'The validity of the Canadian clinical scores for occupational asthma in European populations' Xavier Munoz, Barcelona, an author of 'The validity of the Canadian clinical scores for occupational asthma in European populations' Hille Suojalehto, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'The validity of the Canadian clinical scores for occupational asthma in European populations'

Abstract Available for Characterization of Occupational Eosinophilic Bronchitis in a Multicenter Cohort of Subjects with Work-Related Asthma Symptoms Wiszniewska M, Dellis P, van Kampen V, Suojalehto H, Munoz X, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Lindström I, Merget R, Romero-Mesones C, Sastre J, Quirce S, Mason P, Rifflart C, Godet J, de Blay F, Vandenplas O, European network for the PHenotyping of OCcupational ASthma (E-PHOCAS);, Characterization of Occupational Eosinophilic Bronchitis in a Multicenter Cohort of Subjects with Work-Related Asthma Symptoms, J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract., 2020;:,

Abstract Available for A systematically derived exposure assessment instrument for Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Barnes H, Morisset J, Molyneaux P, Westall G, Glaspole I, Collard HR, A systematically derived exposure assessment instrument for Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis, Chest, 2020;:,

Full Text Available for Ammonia Toxicity Padappayil RP, Borger J., Ammonia Toxicity, StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing, 2020;:,

Abstract Available for Silo-Filler’s Disease: One Health System’s Experience and an Update of the Literatur Amaza IP, Kreidy MP, Silo-Filler’s Disease: One Health System’s Experience and an Update of the Literatur, Journal of Agromedicine, 2020;25:8-13,

Abstract Available for Impact of BAL
lymphocytosis and presence of honeycombing on corticosteroid treatment effect in Fibrotic
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis: a retrospective cohort study Sadeleer LJD, Hermans F, Dycker ED, Yserbyt J, Verschakelen JA, Verbeken EK, Verleden GM, Verleden SE, Wuyts WA, Impact of BAL lymphocytosis and presence of honeycombing on corticosteroid treatment effect in Fibrotic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis: a retrospective cohort study, Eur Respir J, 2020;:,10.1183/13993003.01983-2019
Laurens de Sadeleer, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven B-3000, Belgium, an author of 'Impact of BAL
lymphocytosis and presence of honeycombing on corticosteroid treatment effect in Fibrotic
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis: a retrospective cohort study'

Abstract Available for Cutaneous sensitization to aziridine preceding the onset of occupational asthma. Mason P, Liviero F, Crivellaro M, Maculan P, Maestrelli P, Guarnieri G, Cutaneous sensitization to aziridine preceding the onset of occupational asthma., Occup Med (London), 2020;70:135-138,10.1093/occmed/kqz154
Piero Maestrelli, Padova University, Italy, an author of 'Cutaneous sensitization to aziridine preceding the onset of occupational asthma.'

Abstract Available for Cleaning Products and Work-Related Asthma, 10 Year Update Rosenman K, Reilly MJ, Pechter E, Fitzsimmons K, Flattery J, Weinberg J, Cummings K, Borjan M, Lumia M, Harrison R, Dodd K, Schleiff P, Cleaning Products and Work-Related Asthma, 10 Year Update, J Occup Environ Med, 2020;62:130-137,10.1097/JOM.0000000000001771

Abstract Available for Long-term Respiratory Effects of Mustard Vesicants Malaviya R, Laskin JD, Laskin DL, Long-term Respiratory Effects of Mustard Vesicants, Toxicology Letters, 2020;319:168-174,10.1016/j.toxlet.2019.10.026

Full Text Available for Asthma Symptoms in Bakeries at Parakou, Benin Ade S, Adjobimey M, Agodokpessi G, Kouassi MS, Gounongbe FA, Cisse I, Hounkpatin SHR, Asthma Symptoms in Bakeries at Parakou, Benin, Pulm Med, 2020;:3767382,10.1155/2020/3767382

Abstract Available for The Burden of Respiratory Abnormalities Among Workers at Coffee Roasting and Packaging Facilities Harvey RR, Fechter-Leggett ED, Bailey RL, Edwards NT, Fedan KB, Virji MA, Nett RJ, Cox-Ganser JM, Cummings KJ, The Burden of Respiratory Abnormalities Among Workers at Coffee Roasting and Packaging Facilities, Front Pub Health, 2020;8:5,10.3389/fpubh.2020.00005

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