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Abstract Available for Opportunities and obstacles in translating evidence to policy in occupational asthma Tarlo SM, Arif AA, Delclos GL, Henneberger P, Patel J, Opportunities and obstacles in translating evidence to policy in occupational asthma, Annals of Epidemiology, 2017;:,DOI:
Paul Henneberger, NIOSH, Morgantown, USA, an author of 'Opportunities and obstacles in translating evidence to policy in occupational asthma' Susan Tarlo, Toronto, an author of 'Opportunities and obstacles in translating evidence to policy in occupational asthma' Ahmed Arif, University of North Carolina, an author of 'Opportunities and obstacles in translating evidence to policy in occupational asthma'

Abstract Available for Can serum cytokine profile discriminate irritant-induced and allergen-induced symptoms? A cross-sectional study in workers mostly exposed to laboratory animals. Lemaire M, Oppliger A, Hotz P, Renauld JC, Braun J, Maggi M, Barresi F, Schmid-Grendelmeier P, Huaux F, Dressel H., Can serum cytokine profile discriminate irritant-induced and allergen-induced symptoms? A cross-sectional study in workers mostly exposed to laboratory animals., Occup Environ Med, 2017;:,10.1136/oemed-2016-104137
Holger Dressel, Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Munich, an author of 'Can serum cytokine profile discriminate irritant-induced and allergen-induced symptoms? A cross-sectional study in workers mostly exposed to laboratory animals.'

Abstract Available for Military small arms fire in association with acute decrements in lung function Borander AK, Voie ØA, Longva K, Danielsen TE, Grahnstedt S, Sandvik L, Kongerud J, Sikkeland LIB, Military small arms fire in association with acute decrements in lung function, Occup Environ Med, 2017;74:639-644,org/10.1136/oemed-2016-104207
Johny Kongerud, Rikshospitalet, Oslo University, Norway, an author of 'Military small arms fire in association with acute decrements in lung function'

Abstract Available for Six years without pholcodine; Norwegians are significantly less IgE-sensitized and clinically more tolerant to neuromuscular blocking agents de Pater GH, Florvaag E, Johansson SGO, Irgens Å, Petersen MNH, Guttormsen AB, Six years without pholcodine; Norwegians are significantly less IgE-sensitized and clinically more tolerant to neuromuscular blocking agents, Allergy, 2017;72:813-819,10.1111/all.13081

Abstract Available for What causes occupational asthma in cleaners? Moore VC, Burge PS, Robertson AS, Walters GI, What causes occupational asthma in cleaners?, Thorax, 2017;72:581–583.,org/10.1136/ thoraxjnl-2016-208827
Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'What causes occupational asthma in cleaners?' Vicky Moore, Oasys, an author of 'What causes occupational asthma in cleaners?' Alastair Robertson, Selly Oak Hospital, an author of 'What causes occupational asthma in cleaners?' Gareth Walters, Heartlands, an author of 'What causes occupational asthma in cleaners?'

Full Text Available for Aerotoxic syndrome: a new occupational disease? Michaelis S, Burdon J, Howard CV, Aerotoxic syndrome: a new occupational disease?, Public Health Panorama, 2017;3:198-211,

Full Text Available for Cholinesterase reactivators and bioscavengers for pre- and post-exposure treatments of
organophosphorus poisoning Masson P, Nachon F, Cholinesterase reactivators and bioscavengers for pre- and post-exposure treatments of organophosphorus poisoning , J Neurochem, 2017;10.1111/jn:,

Abstract Available for Primary blast lung injury-a review Scott TE, Kirkman E, Haque M, Gibb IE, Mahoney P, Hardman JG, Primary blast lung injury-a review, British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2017;118:311-316,

Abstract Available for The airway in inhalational injury: diagnosis and management Sabri A, Dabbous H, Dowli A, Barazi R, The airway in inhalational injury: diagnosis and management, Ann Burns Fire Disasters, 2017;30:24-29,

Abstract Available for Emphysema in active farmer’s lung disease Soumagne T, Chardon M, Dournes G, Laurent L, Degano B, Laurent F, Dalphin JC, Emphysema in active farmer’s lung disease, Plos One, 2017;:,

Abstract Available for ERS technical standard on bronchial challenge testing: general considerations and performance of methacholine challenge tests Coates AL, Wanger J, Cockcroft DW, Culver BH, Carlsen KH, Diamant Z, Gauvreau G, Hall GL, Hallstrand TS, Horvath I, de Jongh FHC, Joos G, Kaminsky DA, Laube BL, Leuppi JD, Sterk PJ, ERS technical standard on bronchial challenge testing: general considerations and performance of methacholine challenge tests, Eur Respir J, 2017;49:1601529,
J Leuppi, Basel, an author of 'ERS technical standard on bronchial challenge testing: general considerations and performance of methacholine challenge tests' Don Cockcroft, Saskatoon, an author of 'ERS technical standard on bronchial challenge testing: general considerations and performance of methacholine challenge tests'

Abstract Available for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Pathogenesis, Management, and Future Directions of Therapy Rose JJ, Wang L, Xu Q, McTiernan CF, Shiva S, Tejero J, Gladwin MT, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: Pathogenesis, Management, and Future Directions of Therapy, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care, 2017;195:596-606,10.1164/rccm.201606-1275CI [doi]

Abstract Available for An analysis of the emergency response system of the 1996 Channel tunnel fire Santos-Reyes J, Beard AN, An analysis of the emergency response system of the 1996 Channel tunnel fire, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2017;65:121-139,10.1016/j.tust.2017.02.011

Abstract Available for Respiratory toxicology of Diacetyl and related dione flavorings Rose CS, Respiratory toxicology of Diacetyl and related dione flavorings, Toxicology, 2017;388:9-14,

Full Text Available for Assessment of Respiratory Distress by the Roth Score Chorin E, Padegimas A, Havakuk O, Birati EY, Shacham Y, Milman A, Topaz G, Flint N, Keren G, Rogowski O, Assessment of Respiratory Distress by the Roth Score, Clinical Cardiology, 2016;39:636–639,DOI 10.1002/clc.22586

Abstract Available for Trends in Occupations and Work Sectors Among Patients With Work-Related Asthma at a Canadian Tertiary Care Clinic Gotzev S, Joshua S, Lipszyc C, DaleConnor, Tarlo SM, Trends in Occupations and Work Sectors Among Patients With Work-Related Asthma at a Canadian Tertiary Care Clinic, Chest, 2016;150:811-818,
Susan Tarlo, Toronto, an author of 'Trends in Occupations and Work Sectors Among Patients With Work-Related Asthma at a Canadian Tertiary Care Clinic'

Full Text Available for "Respiratory Symptoms due to Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde and MDF Dust in a MDF Furniture Factory in Eastern Thailand Thetkathuek A, Yingratanasuk T, Ekburanawa W, "Respiratory Symptoms due to Occupational Exposure to Formaldehyde and MDF Dust in a MDF Furniture Factory in Eastern Thailand, Advances in Preventive Medicine, 2016;3705824:3705824,

Full Text Available for Food allergy to wheat, soybean and cassava in Benin: Literature Revie DJOGBE AA, BOKOSSA Y, TCHEKESSI CK, OUENDO E-M, SACHI P, BANON J, BLEOUSSI R, MENSAH GA, Food allergy to wheat, soybean and cassava in Benin: Literature Revie, International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research, 2016;4:713-723,

No Abstract Available for Sensitization to silk allergen among workers of silk filatures in India: a comparative study Gowda G, Shivalingaiah AH, Vijayeendra AM, Sarkar N, Nagaraj C, Masthi NRR, Sensitization to silk allergen among workers of silk filatures in India: a comparative study, ASIA PACIFIC ALLERGY, 2016;6:90-93,10.5415/apallergy.2016.6.2.90

Full Text Available for Daily Home Spirometry: An Effective Tool for Detecting Progression in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Russell A, Adamali H, Molyneaux PL, Lukey PT, Marshall RP, Renzoni EA, Wells AU, Maher TM, Daily Home Spirometry: An Effective Tool for Detecting Progression in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2016;194:989-997,10.1164/rccm.201511-2152OC

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