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Jacob Boe, Bergen
Jacob Boe (Bergen)
Jacob is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.
Soyseth V, Boe J, Kongerud J,
Relation between decline in FEV1 and exposure to dust and tobacco smoke in aluminium potroom workers
, Occup Environ Med, 1997;54:27-31,
Sostrand P, Kongerud J, Eduard W, Nilsen T, Skogland M, Boe J,
A test chamber for experimental hydrogen fluoride exposure in humans
, Am Ind Hyg Assoc J, 1997;58:521-525,
Soyseth V, Kongerud J, Boe J,
Allergen sensitization and exposure to irritants in infancy
, Allergy: European Journal of Allergy & Clinica, 1996;51:719-723,
Soyseth V, Kongerud J, Boe J,
Increased variability in bronchial responsiveness in aluminum potroom workers with work-related asthma-like symptoms
, J Occup Environ Med, 1996;38:66-69,
Soyseth V, Kongerud J, Haarr D, Strand O, Bolle R, Boe J,
Relation of exposure to airway irritants in infancy to prevalence of bronchial hyper-responsiveness in schoolchildren
, Lancet, 1995;345:217-220,
Soyseth V, Kongerud J, Aalen OO, Botten G, Boe J,
Bronchial responsiveness decreases in relocated aluminum potroom workers compared with workers who continue their potroom exposure
, Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 1995;67:53-57,
Kongerud J, Boe J, Soyseth V, Naalsund A, Magnus P,
Aluminium potroom asthma: the Norwegian experience
, Eur Respir J, 1994;7:165-172,
Soyseth V, Kongerud J, Kjuus H, Boe J,
Bronchial responsiveness and decline in FEV1 in aluminium potroom workers
, Eur Respir J, 1994;7:888-894,
Soyseth V, Kongerud J, Boe J, Fonneland T,
Bronchial responsiveness and work-related asthma in aluminium potroom workers: effect of removal from exposure
, Eur Respir J, 1992;5:829-833,
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