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Vincent Bonneterre (Occupational diseases centre / Grenoble Joseph Fourier University / RNV3P)

Vincent is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.

Abstract Available for Trends in incidence of occupational asthma, contact dermatitis, noise-induced hearing loss, carpal tunnel syndrome and upper limb musculoskeletal disorders in European countries from 2000 to 2012 Stocks SJ, McNamee R, der van Molen HF, Paris C, Urban P, Campo G, Sauni R, Jarreta BM, Valenty M, Godderis L, Miedinger D, Jacquetin P, Gravseth HM, Bonneterre V, Telle-Lamberton M, Bensefa-Colas L, Faye S, Mylle G, Wannag A, Samant Y, Pal T, Scholz-Odermatt S, Papale A, Schouteden M, Colosio C, Mattioli S, Agius R, Trends in incidence of occupational asthma, contact dermatitis, noise-induced hearing loss, carpal tunnel syndrome and upper limb musculoskeletal disorders in European countries from 2000 to 2012, Occup Environ Med, 2015;:,10.1136/oemed-2014-102534
Raymond Agius, Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health, Manchester University, an author of 'Trends in incidence of occupational asthma, contact dermatitis, noise-induced hearing loss, carpal tunnel syndrome and upper limb musculoskeletal disorders in European countries from 2000 to 2012' Roseanne McNamee, Manchester University COEH, an author of 'Trends in incidence of occupational asthma, contact dermatitis, noise-induced hearing loss, carpal tunnel syndrome and upper limb musculoskeletal disorders in European countries from 2000 to 2012' David Miedinger, Lucern, Basel and Montreal, an author of 'Trends in incidence of occupational asthma, contact dermatitis, noise-induced hearing loss, carpal tunnel syndrome and upper limb musculoskeletal disorders in European countries from 2000 to 2012' Vincent Bonneterre, Occupational diseases centre / Grenoble Joseph Fourier University / RNV3P, an author of 'Trends in incidence of occupational asthma, contact dermatitis, noise-induced hearing loss, carpal tunnel syndrome and upper limb musculoskeletal disorders in European countries from 2000 to 2012'

Abstract Available for Occupational asthma and occupational rhinitis: the united airways disease model revisited Ameille J, Hamelin K, Andujar P, Bensefa-Colas L, Bonneterre V, Dupas D, Garnier R, Loddé BA, Rinaldo M, Descatha A, Lasfargues G, Pairon J, the members of the rnv3p, Occupational asthma and occupational rhinitis: the united airways disease model revisited, Occup Environ Med, 2013;70:41-475,
Vincent Bonneterre, Occupational diseases centre / Grenoble Joseph Fourier University / RNV3P, an author of 'Occupational asthma and occupational rhinitis: the united airways disease model revisited' Jean-Claude Pairon, Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Créteil, France, an author of 'Occupational asthma and occupational rhinitis: the united airways disease model revisited'

Abstract Available for Work-related asthma in France: recent trends for the period 2001–2009 Paris C, Ngatchou-Wandji J, Luc A, McNamee R, Bensefa-Colas L, Larabi L, Telle-Lamberton M, Herin F, Bergeret A, Bonneterre V, Brochard P, Choudat D, Dupas D, Garnier R, Pairon J, Agius RM, Ameille J, Work-related asthma in France: recent trends for the period 2001–2009, Occup Environ Med, 2012;69:391-397,
Raymond Agius, Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health, Manchester University, an author of 'Work-related asthma in France: recent trends for the period 2001–2009' Roseanne McNamee, Manchester University COEH, an author of 'Work-related asthma in France: recent trends for the period 2001–2009' Vincent Bonneterre, Occupational diseases centre / Grenoble Joseph Fourier University / RNV3P, an author of 'Work-related asthma in France: recent trends for the period 2001–2009' Jean-Claude Pairon, Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Créteil, France, an author of 'Work-related asthma in France: recent trends for the period 2001–2009'

Abstract Available for Programmed health surveillance and detection of emerging diseases in occupational health: contribution of the French national occupational disease surveillance and prevention network (RNV3P) Bonneterre V, Faisandier L, Bicout D, Bernardet C, Piollat J, Ameille J, de Clavière C, Aptel M, Lasfargues G, de Gaudemaris R, Programmed health surveillance and detection of emerging diseases in occupational health: contribution of the French national occupational disease surveillance and prevention network (RNV3P) , Occup Environ Med, 2010;67:178-186,
Vincent Bonneterre, Occupational diseases centre / Grenoble Joseph Fourier University / RNV3P, an author of 'Programmed health surveillance and detection of emerging diseases in occupational health: contribution of the French national occupational disease surveillance and prevention network (RNV3P)'

Vincent Bonneterre (2012)

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