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Occupational asthma as well as alveolitis due to metal-working fluid aerosols

Occupational asthma as well as alveolitis due to metal-working fluid aerosols
The paper describes 12 workers with extrinsic allergic alveolitis (hypersensitivity pneumonitis) in a car engine manufacturing plant. The paper is mostly about extrinsic allergic alveolitis, but 6/12 had symptomic wheeze in addition to evidence of EAA, 5 had peak flow diurnal variability >20% and 4 had an Oasys score >2.5. It is likely that some of the 12 had both occupational asthma and alveolitis. A subsequent (as yet ubpublished) epidemiological study showed a much larger number of workers with occupational asthma from the same plant. Aerosols from metal-working fluid were the most likely cause. No mycobacteria were detected, nor antibodies found against them. Precipitins to individual organisms were present but rather unconvincing as a cause of the outbreak, which resulted in transfer of production to Nanjing, China.


Full Text Available for An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant Dawkins P, Robertson AS, Robertson W, Moore V, Reynolds J, Langman G, Robinson E, Harris-Roberts J, Crook B, Burge PS, An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant, Occup Med, 2006;56:559-565,
Joanne Harris-Roberts (nee Elms), HSL, Buxton, UK, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant' Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant' Vicky Moore, Oasys, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant' Alastair Robertson, Selly Oak Hospital, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant' Wendy Robertson, Public Health, Warwick University, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant' Ed Robinson, Health and Safety Laboratories, Buxton, UK, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant' Paul Dawkins, University Hospital Birmingham, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant' John Reynolds, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant' Gerald Langman, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, an author of 'An outbreak of extrinsic alveolitis at a car engine plant'


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