Farmers |
Grain dust is a well known cause of occupational asthma, to which farmers are exposed during harvesting, moving and processing crops. Biocides can be a problem, mainly for livestock farmers. Lanoline and organophosphates could potentially be a problem but little is known about them at the moment. In countries with a long winter indoor feeding season, allergy to cows is common. Workers in swine confinement buildings have a high incidence of respiratory symptoms, but perhaps related to endotoxins, biocides or benzalkonium chloride. The principal disease is organic dust toxic syndrome (ODTS).
As with most causative agents, the risk of occupational asthma is increased as the level of exposure is increased. Where possible work upwind of the dust sources when outdoors and keep vehicle doors and windows closed. Use a filteredclean air supply for tractor and harvester cabs, and for cereal transfer control rooms. Provide enclosures with dust extraction at cereal transfer points and consider the user of a respirator. Try to avoid sweeping and the use of compressed air when cleaning, instead use wet methods and vacuum cleaners with HEPA filters.
Alvarez MJ, Castillo R, Rey A, Ortega N, Blanco C, Carrillo T,
Occupational asthma in a grain worker due to Lepidoglyphus destructor, assessed by bronchial provocation test and induced sputum,
Park HS, Nahm DH, Suh CH, Kwon OY, Kim KS, Lee SW, Chung HK,
Occupational asthma and IgE sensitization to grain dust,
J Korean Med Sci,
Mauny F, Polio JC, Monnet E, Pernet D, Laplante JJ, Depierre A, Dalphin JC,
Longitudinal study of respiratory health in dairy farmers: influence of artificial barn fodder drying,
Eur Respir J,
Virtanen T, Zeiler T, Rautiainen J, Taivainen A, Pentikainen J, Rytkonen M, Parkkinen S, Pelkonen J, Mantyjarvi R,
Immune reactivity of cow-asthmatic dairy farmers to the major allergen of cow (BDA20) and to other cow-derived proteins. The use of purified BDA20 increases the performance of diagnostic tests in respiratory cow allergy,
Clin Exp Allergy,
Blaski CA, Watt JL, Quinn TJ, Thorne PS, Schwartz DA,
Nasal lavage cellularity, grain dust, and airflow obstruction,
Massin N, Bohadana AB, Wild P, KoloppSarda MN, Toamain JP,
Airway responsiveness to methacholine, respiratory symptoms, and dust exposure levels in grain and flour mill workers in eastern France,
Am J Ind Med,
Amishima M, Munakata M, Ohtsuka Y, Satoh A, Takahashi T, Taguchi H, Nasuhara Y, Ohe M, Doi I, Homma Y, et al,
Dairy farmers have increased methacholine bronchial responsiveness independent of sensitization to mold antigens,
Am J Respir Crit Care Med,
Schwartz DA, Donham KJ, Olenchock SA, Popendorf WJ, Van Fossen DS, Burmeister LF, Merchant JA,
Determinants of longitudinal changes in spirometric function among swine confinement operators and farmers,
Am J Respir Crit Care Med,
Ohtsuka Y, Munakata M, Tanimura K, Ukita H, Kusaka H, Masaki Y, Doi I, Ohe M, Amishima M, Homma Y, et al,
Smoking promotes insidious and chronic farmer's lung disease, and deteriorates the clinical outcome,
Intern Med,
Schwartz DA, Thorne PS, Yagla SJ, Burmeister LF, Olenchock SA, Watt JL, Quinn TJ,
The role of endotoxin in grain dust-induced lung disease,
Am J Respir Crit Care Med,
Dalphin JC, Polio JC, Pernet D, Maheu MF, Toson B, Dubiez A, Monnet E, Laplante JJ, Depierre A,
Influence of barn drying of fodder on respiratory symptoms and function in dairy farmers of the Doubs region of France,
Lalancette M, Carrier G, Laviolette M, Ferland S, Rodrique J, Begin R, Cantin A, Cormier Y,
Farmer's lung. Long-term outcome and lack of predictive value of bronchoalveolar lavage fibrosing factors,
Am Rev Respir Dis,
Kusaka H, Ogasawara H, Munakata M, Tanimura K, Ukita H, Denzumi N, Homma Y, Kawakami Y,
Two-year follow up on the protective value of dust masks against farmer's lung disease,
Intern Med,
Tee RD, Gordon DJ, van HageHamsten M, Gordon S, Nunn AJ, Johansson SGO, Newman Taylor AJ,
Comparison of allergic responses to dust mites in U.K. bakery workers and Swedish farmers,
Clin Exp Allergy,
Sanderson W, Kullman G, Sastre J, Olenchock S, O'Campo A, Musgrave K, Green F,
Outbreak of hypersensitivity pneumonitis among mushroom farm workers,
Am J Industr Med,
Wuthe H, Bergman KC, Gehlmann B, Pippig I, Heintze R, Luther P, Vogel J,
Frequency of lung function disturbances of industrial poultry farmers,
Clancy RL, Ruhno J, Scicchitano R, Cripps AW, Hensley MJ, Saunders NA, Wrigley C, Walsh B, Sutherland DC,
Wheat dust-associated respiratory disease in a farming community,
Aust N Z J Med,
Valdivieso R, Pola J, Zapata C, Puyana J, Cuesta J, Martin C, Losada E,
Farm animal feeders: another group affected by cereal flour asthma,
Gari M, Pinon JM, Poirriez JM, Boulant J, geers R, Thoannes H,
Enzyme linked immunofiltration (ELIFA) for the detection of specific antibodies (IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE) in farmer's lung disease,
Clin Allergy,
Brouwer R, Biersteker K, Bongers P, Remijn B, Houthuijs D,
Respiratory symptoms, lung function, and IgG4 levels against pig antigens in a sample of Dutch pig farmers,
Am J Industr Med,
James AL, Cookson WOCM, Buters B, Lewis S, Ryan G, Hockey R, Musk AW,
Symptoms and longitudinal changes in lung function in young seasonal grain handlers,
Brit J Industr Med,
Broder I, Hutcheon MA, Minty S, Davies G, Leznoff A, Thomas P, Corey P,
Changes in respiratory variables of grain handlers and civic workers during their initial months of employment,
Brit J Industr Med,
Ministry of pensions and national insurance,
Farmers lung,
HMSO cmnd 2403,
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