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Known Synonyms

Fish Protein
Specific IgE and skin prick tests to fish likely to be positive in those with disease.

Antigen exposures are highest during fishmeal production and bagging. 

Fish ELISA assays possible for anchovy and pilchard to quantify differential exposure levels to fish antigens produced during fish processing.

Fishmeal can also be a problem.

References for: Fish See published papers on "Fish" from this website.
Haz-Map information on: Fish See information on "Fish" from the HazMap (Information on Hazardous Chemicals and Occupational Diseases) website.

Oasys Notifications for Fish

The Oasys Audit scheme started midway through 2010 and collects agents typed in through the Oasys program. The years before 2010 show old data entered during 2010 or later and are likely to have many fewer notifications. We expect Oasys to become more widely adopted as time goes by so increasing notifications does not necessarily mean an increasing problem.

Occupational asthma notifications to the Oasys Audit Scheme for Fish

Selected References for Fish

Abstract Available for Sodium metabisulphite induced airways disease in the fishing and fish-processing industry Steiner M, Scaife A, Semple S, Hulks G, Ayres JG, Sodium metabisulphite induced airways disease in the fishing and fish-processing industry, Occup Med (London), 2008;58:545-550,
Jon Ayres, University of Birmingham, an author of 'Sodium metabisulphite induced airways disease in the fishing and fish-processing industry'

Abstract Available for Detection of fish antigens aerosolized during fish processing using newly developed immunoassays Nieuwenhuizen N, Lopata AL, Jeebhay MF, Herbert DR, Robins TG, Brombacher F, Detection of fish antigens aerosolized during fish processing using newly developed immunoassays, Int Arch Allergy Immunol, 2005;138:21-28,
Mohammed Jeebhay, Cape Town, an author of 'Detection of fish antigens aerosolized during fish processing using newly developed immunoassays'

Abstract Available for Occupational asthma by Anisakis simplex Armentia A, Lombardero M, Callejo A, Martin Santos JM, Gil FJ, Vega, J, Arranz ML, Martinez C, Occupational asthma by Anisakis simplex, J Allergy Clin Immunol, 1998;102:831-834,

Abstract Available for Occupational asthma caused by fish inhalation Rodríguez J, Reaño M, Vives R, Canto G, Daroca P, Crespo JF, Vila C, Villarreal O, Bensabat Z., Occupational asthma caused by fish inhalation, Allergy, 1997;52:866-869,

Abstract Available for Asthma caused by live fish bait Siracusa A, Bettini P, Bacoccoli R, Severini C, Verga A, Abbritti G, Asthma caused by live fish bait, J Allergy Clin Immunol, 1994;93:424-430,
Andrea Siracusa, Perugia, an author of 'Asthma caused by live fish bait'

Abstract Available for Occupationally related respiratory symptoms in trout-processing workers Sherson D, Hansen I, Sigsgaard T, Occupationally related respiratory symptoms in trout-processing workers, Allergy, 1989;44:336-341,
Torben Sigsgaard, University of Aarhus, an author of 'Occupationally related respiratory symptoms in trout-processing workers'

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