Sodium Alendronate

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This table is from a case report of one patient with occupational rhinitis and not occupational asthma.

Agent Sodium alendronate
Job Tablet packer in pharmaceutical plant
Specific IgE not done
Lymphocyte proliferation not tested
Skin prick test positive 1:10 w/v
Patch test positive 1:10 w/v
Non-specific reactivity Methacholine Pc20 1636 u/ml pre challenge and 704 ug/ml post challenge
Serial Peak Flow not done
 Induced sputum Eosinophils 1.2% pre and 7.9% post alendronate challenge
Specific Challenge 

10mg alendronate in lactose for 60 minutes positive immediate nasal reaction but no chande in FEV1


symptom free after removal from exposure

References for: Sodium Alendronate See published papers on "Sodium Alendronate" from this website.

Selected References for Sodium Alendronate

Abstract Available for Occupational rhinitis to sodium alendronate Pala G, Perfetti L, Cappelli I, Caminati M, Moscato G, Occupational rhinitis to sodium alendronate, Allergy, 2008;63:1092-1093,
Giana Moscato, Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, Pavia, an author of 'Occupational rhinitis to sodium alendronate' Luca Perfetti, Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, Pavia, an author of 'Occupational rhinitis to sodium alendronate'

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