I am a Health & Safety specialist, I would like to know if any research has been carried out relating to chefs working in commercial kitchens and occupational lung disease?
Massin N, Hecht G, Ambroise D, Héry M, Toamain JP, Hubert G, Dorotte M,Bianchi B,
Respiratory symptoms and bronchial responsiveness among cleaning and disinfecting workers in the food industry
Occup Environ Med,
Bernstein JA, Kraut A, Bernstein DI, Warrington R, Bolin T, Warren CP, Bernstein IL,
Occupational asthma induced by inhaled egg lysozyme,
Smith AB, Bernstein DI, London MA, Gallagher J, Ornella GA, Gelletly SK, Wallingford K, Newman MA,
Evaluation of occupational asthma from airborne egg protein exposure in multiple settings,
Smith AB, Bernstein DI, Aw TC, Gallagher JS, London M, Kopp S, Carson GA,
Occupational asthma from inhaled egg protein,
Am J Industr Med,