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In desperate need of Occupational Lung Disease doctor in Detroit MI or Flint MI area
I'm in desperate need of a Occupational Lung Disease doctor in the Flint. Detroit Michigan area. I have several occupational lung diseases. I use to see Dr Michael Harbut in Detroit Mi he was one of the top doctors in the USA for occupational lung disease. But due to a illness he had to stop p ...
Occupational Asthma, Worker, 12/5/2013, 12/5/2013,

Substitutes for colophony fluxes
In your answer # 4 you wrote "clinically there seems to be a clear case for substitution…" do you mean that colophony is being less used as a soldering flux today? If positive, since when this is occurring and what is the most common/more common flux used today in the western world for soft sol ...
Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 10/25/2013, 10/25/2013,

Is colophony mostly a respiratory irritant??
I am recently interested in occupational asthma due to fluxes and I have read some of your papers regarding Colophony and asthma. I have some questions in that regard that I will be grateful if you could answer them for me: 1. Does non-occupational asthmatics react to soldering vapors (w ...
Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 10/17/2013, 10/17/2013,

IS it possible to get occupational asthma from spaying fabric coatings eg scotch guard or fabricoat
I have a patient who thinks his asthma was caused by exposure to fabric coating as above. Are there any reports of an association
Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 10/8/2013, 10/9/2013,

If my blood test says I have Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis will I have to get rid of my birds?
I've been having breathing problems and am waiting for blood test results regarding the above. If the tests are positive, will the birds have to go? I have an Indian Ring Neck, two budgies and a Conure. Thanks.
Occupational Asthma, Worker, 9/18/2013, 9/19/2013,

Bird Fanciers Lung
I have been diagnosed with bird fanciers lung, interstitial pneumonitis, extrinsic allergic alveolitis. i kept a budgie, cockateil and 2 canaries for years and also fed the garden birds. about 25 pigeons visited each day and when not being fed roosted on the house roof. i would sweep up and c ...
Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 2/20/2006, 7/10/2013,

The front page of the Oasys graph does not tally up with the patient's readings
Hi there, I process patient's readings onto Oasys and the readings do not appear to be accurate on the graph that is produced on Oasys, this is causing problems when the Doctor comes to review the case, please help. Kind regards, Rachel
Oasys, Worker, 5/21/2013, 5/22/2013,

Making apt. safe for BFL friend
My friend got BFL from my bird in my apartment. She has not been back in the apt. since being diagnoised six months ago. She would like to visit again but we don't want it to make her sick. The bird was removed over five months ago. What should I do to insure she will not have a relapse? IE:Filt ...
Oasys, Worker, 1/5/2013, 1/7/2013,

Testing air for bird dander
My wife has been diagnosed with bird breeders lung and we are re-homing our birds. After we have cleaned the ducts and so on we are looking to have the air in our home tested for avian antigens. Does anybody know of a company that covers Seattle Washington that can do this kind of testing? Th ...
Occupational Asthma, Worker, 12/21/2012, 12/21/2012,

Asthma from temporary exposure to a bird and dust
My daughter helped some friends in Oregon (we live in CA) move. They had a basement type living area that she had to pack up everything. They had not used it for a while so naturally there was a lot of dust and some rat droppings and such. There was also a bird (I think some sort of parrott)that ...
Occupational Asthma, Worker, 11/29/2012, 12/7/2012,

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