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Abstract Available for Lung function assessment and its association with blood chromium in a chromate exposed population Zhang Y, Su Z, Hu G, Hong S, Long C, Zhang Q, Zheng P, Wang T, Yu S, Yuan F, Zhu X, Jia G, Lung function assessment and its association with blood chromium in a chromate exposed population, Science of The Total Environment, 2021;:151741,

Abstract Available for Case reports of indium lung disease in Taiwan Tsao Y, Fan H, Luo JJ, Case reports of indium lung disease in Taiwan, Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 2021;2:893-898,

Full Text Available for Health effects of exposure to chlorination by-products in swimming pools. Couto M, Bernard A, Delgado L, Drobnic F, Kurowski M, Moreira A, Rodrigues-Alves R, Rukhadze M, Seys S, Wiszniewska M, Quirce S, Health effects of exposure to chlorination by-products in swimming pools., Allergy, 2021;76:3257-3275,
Santiago Quirce, Madrid, an author of 'Health effects of exposure to chlorination by-products in swimming pools.'

Abstract Available for Comparisons of Peak Diurnal Expiratory Flow Variation, Postbronchodilator FEV1 Responses, and Methacholine Inhalation Challenges in the Evaluation of Suspected Asthma Goldstein M, Veza BA. Dunsky EH, Dvorin DJ, Belecanech GA, Haralabatos IC, Comparisons of Peak Diurnal Expiratory Flow Variation, Postbronchodilator FEV1 Responses, and Methacholine Inhalation Challenges in the Evaluation of Suspected Asthma, Chest, 2001;119:1001-1010,

Abstract Available for Maternal preconception occupational exposure to cleaning products and disinfectants and offspring asthma. Tjalvin G, Svanes Ø, Igland J, Bertelsen RJ, Benediktsdóttir B, Dharmage S, Forsberg B, Holm M, Janson C, Jõgi NO, Johannessen A, Malinovschi A, Pape K, Real FG, Sigsgaard T, Torén K, Vindenes HK, Zock JP, Schlünssen V, Svanes C, Maternal preconception occupational exposure to cleaning products and disinfectants and offspring asthma., J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2022;149:422-431,
Torben Sigsgaard, University of Aarhus, an author of 'Maternal preconception occupational exposure to cleaning products and disinfectants and offspring asthma.' Kjell Toren, Sahlgrenska University Hospital. Goteborg, an author of 'Maternal preconception occupational exposure to cleaning products and disinfectants and offspring asthma.' Jan-Paul Zock, Municipal Institute of Medical Research, Barcelona, Spain, an author of 'Maternal preconception occupational exposure to cleaning products and disinfectants and offspring asthma.' Vivi Schlunssen, Aarhus, an author of 'Maternal preconception occupational exposure to cleaning products and disinfectants and offspring asthma.' Cecile Svanes, University of Bergen, Norway, an author of 'Maternal preconception occupational exposure to cleaning products and disinfectants and offspring asthma.'

Full Text Available for Occupational causes of hypersensitivity pneumonitis: a systematic review and compendium Kongsupon N, Walters GI, Sadhra SS, Occupational causes of hypersensitivity pneumonitis: a systematic review and compendium, Occup Med, 2021;71:255-259,
Steve Sadhra, Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health, Birmingham, an author of 'Occupational causes of hypersensitivity pneumonitis: a systematic review and compendium' Gareth Walters, Heartlands, an author of 'Occupational causes of hypersensitivity pneumonitis: a systematic review and compendium'

Abstract Available for Transcriptomic Profiling of Adult-Onset Asthma Related to Damp and Moldy Buildings and Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance Suojalehto H, Ndika J, Lindström I, Airaksinen L, Karvala K, Kauppi P, Lauerma A, Toppila-Salmi S, Karisola P, Alenius H, Transcriptomic Profiling of Adult-Onset Asthma Related to Damp and Moldy Buildings and Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance, -, 2021;22:10679,
Hille Suojalehto, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Transcriptomic Profiling of Adult-Onset Asthma Related to Damp and Moldy Buildings and Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance' Irmeli Lindstrom, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, an author of 'Transcriptomic Profiling of Adult-Onset Asthma Related to Damp and Moldy Buildings and Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance'

Full Text Available for Cotton Dust-Related Allergic Asthma: Prevalence and Associated Factors among Textile Workers in Nam Dinh Province, Vietnam Ha,TTT, Hanh BM, Van Son N, Giang HT, Hai NT, Thuc VM, Khue PM, Cotton Dust-Related Allergic Asthma: Prevalence and Associated Factors among Textile Workers in Nam Dinh Province, Vietnam, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2021;18:9813,

Abstract Available for Association of occupational exposure to inhaled agents in operating rooms with incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among US female nurses Xie W, Dumas O, Varraso R, Boggs KM, Camargo, CA, Stokes AC, Association of occupational exposure to inhaled agents in operating rooms with incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among US female nurses, JAMA Netw Open, 2021;4:e2125749,

Full Text Available for Association between occupational exposure to irritant agents and a distinct asthma endotype in adults. Andrianjafimasy MV, Febrissy M, Zerimech F, Dananché B, Kromhout H, Matran R, Nadif M, Oberson-Geneste D, Quinot C, Schlünssen V, Siroux V, Zock JP, Le Moual N, Nadif R, Dumas O , Association between occupational exposure to irritant agents and a distinct asthma endotype in adults., Occup Environ Med, 2021;79:155,
Jan-Paul Zock, Municipal Institute of Medical Research, Barcelona, Spain, an author of 'Association between occupational exposure to irritant agents and a distinct asthma endotype in adults.' Vivi Schlunssen, Aarhus, an author of 'Association between occupational exposure to irritant agents and a distinct asthma endotype in adults.' Orianne Dumas, Villejuif, France, an author of 'Association between occupational exposure to irritant agents and a distinct asthma endotype in adults.'

Abstract Available for Developing a web application to provide information on common work-related asthma
causative agents Sangjumrus N, Chaiear N, Saikaew K, So-ngern A, Burge PS, Developing a web application to provide information on common work-related asthma causative agents, Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 2021;26:APST-26-04-13,
Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'Developing a web application to provide information on common work-related asthma
causative agents' Naesinee Chaiear, Khon Kaen University, Thailand, an author of 'Developing a web application to provide information on common work-related asthma
causative agents'

Abstract Available for Proportion of occupational progressive fibrosing interstitial lung diseases in the tertiary hospitals of Thailand Rittidet C, Chaiear N, Tumsatan P, Domthong P, Sukkasem W, Burge PS, Proportion of occupational progressive fibrosing interstitial lung diseases in the tertiary hospitals of Thailand, Asia-Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 2021;26:APST-26-04-07,
Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'Proportion of occupational progressive fibrosing interstitial lung diseases in the tertiary hospitals of Thailand' Naesinee Chaiear, Khon Kaen University, Thailand, an author of 'Proportion of occupational progressive fibrosing interstitial lung diseases in the tertiary hospitals of Thailand'

Full Text Available for Occupational Exposures to Organic Solvents and Asthma Symptoms in the CONSTANCES Cohort. Sit G, Letellier N, Iwatsubo Y, Goldberg M, Leynaert B, Nadif R, Ribet C, Roche N, Roquelaure Y, Varraso R, Zins M, Descatha A, Le Moual N, Dumas O., Occupational Exposures to Organic Solvents and Asthma Symptoms in the CONSTANCES Cohort., Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021;18:9258,10.3390/ijerph18179258
Orianne Dumas, Villejuif, France, an author of 'Occupational Exposures to Organic Solvents and Asthma Symptoms in the CONSTANCES Cohort.'

Full Text Available for Bronchodilator reversibility testing in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Calverley PMA, Burge PS, Spencer S, Anderson JA, Jones PW, study Isolde the for investigators, Bronchodilator reversibility testing in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Thorax, 2003;58:659-664,
Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'Bronchodilator reversibility testing in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease'

Abstract Available for Chitin induces accumulation in tissue of innate immune cells associated with allergy. Reese TA, Liang H, Tager AM, Luster AD, Rooijen NV, Voehringer D, Locksley RM, Chitin induces accumulation in tissue of innate immune cells associated with allergy., Nature, 2021;447:92-96,

Full Text Available for Characteristics and risk assessment of occupational exposure to ultrafine particles generated from cooking in the Chinese restaurant. Gao X, Zhang M, Zou H, Zhou Z, Yuan W, Quan C, Cao Y., Characteristics and risk assessment of occupational exposure to ultrafine particles generated from cooking in the Chinese restaurant., Sci Rep, 2021;11:15586,

Full Text Available for Incense and joss stick making in small household factories, Thailand Siripanich S, Siriwong W, Keawrueang P, Borjan M, Robson M., Incense and joss stick making in small household factories, Thailand, Int J Occup Environ Med, 2014;5:137-145,

Full Text Available for Korean ginseng-induced occupational asthma and determination of IgE binding components Kim KM, Kwon HS, Jeon SG, Park CH, Sohn SW, Kim DI, Kim SS, Chang YS, Kim YK, Korean ginseng-induced occupational asthma and determination of IgE binding components, Journal of Korean medical science, 2008;23:232-235,DOI:

Abstract Available for A Case Report of Suspected Ginseng Allergy Wiwanitkit V, Taungjaruwinai W, A Case Report of Suspected Ginseng Allergy, MedGenMed, 2004;6:9,


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