Co authored Occupational Disorders of the Lung (WB Saunders 2002)
Bill is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.
Tarlo SM, Balmes J, Balkissoon R, Beach J, Beckett W, Bernstein D, Blanc PD, Brooks SM, Cowl CT, Daroowalla F, Harber P, Lemiere C, Liss GM, Pacheco KA, Redlich CA, Rowe B, Heitzer J,
Work-Related Asthma American College of Chest Physicians
Consensus Statement,
Cullen MR, Redlich CA, Beckett WS, Weltmann B, Sparer J, Jackson G, Ruff T, Rubinstein E, Holden W,
Feasibility study of respiratory questionnaire and peak flow recordings in autobody shop workers exposed to isocyanate-containing spray paint: observations and limitations,
Occup Med (London),