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Tony Seaton (Formerley Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aberdeen)

Tony is involved with the following papers on occupational asthma.

Abstract Available for Clinical reactions to Aspergillus niger in a biotechnology plant: an eight year follow up Seaton A, Wales D, Clinical reactions to Aspergillus niger in a biotechnology plant: an eight year follow up, Occup Environ Med, 1994;51:54-56,
Tony Seaton, Formerley Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aberdeen, an author of 'Clinical reactions to Aspergillus niger in a biotechnology plant: an eight year follow up'

Abstract Available for Oilseed rape and seasonal symptoms: epidemiological and environmental studies Soutar A, Harker C, Seaton A, Brooke M, Marr I, Oilseed rape and seasonal symptoms: epidemiological and environmental studies, Thorax, 1994;49:352-356,
Tony Seaton, Formerley Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aberdeen, an author of 'Oilseed rape and seasonal symptoms: epidemiological and environmental studies'

Abstract Available for Management of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis without maintenance oral corticosteroids: a fifteen-year follow-up SEATON A, SEATON RA, WIGHTMAN AJA, Management of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis without maintenance oral corticosteroids: a fifteen-year follow-up , Q J Med, 1994;87:529-537,
Tony Seaton, Formerley Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aberdeen, an author of 'Management of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis without maintenance oral corticosteroids: a fifteen-year follow-up'

Abstract Available for Important deficits of lung function in three modern colliery populations. Relations with dust exposure Soutar C, Campbell S, Gurr D, Lloyd M, Love R, Cowie H, Cowie A, Seaton A, Important deficits of lung function in three modern colliery populations. Relations with dust exposure, Am Rev Respir Dis, 1993;147:797-803,
Robert Cowie, University of Calgary, an author of 'Important deficits of lung function in three modern colliery populations. Relations with dust exposure' Tony Seaton, Formerley Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aberdeen, an author of 'Important deficits of lung function in three modern colliery populations. Relations with dust exposure'

No Abstract Available for Ipecacuanha asthma: an old lesson Seaton A, Ipecacuanha asthma: an old lesson, Thorax, 1990;45:974-974,
Tony Seaton, Formerley Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aberdeen, an author of 'Ipecacuanha asthma: an old lesson'

Abstract Available for ASPERGILLUS, ASTHMA, AND AMOEBAE Seaton A, Robertson MD, ASPERGILLUS, ASTHMA, AND AMOEBAE, Lancet, 1989;333:893-894,
Tony Seaton, Formerley Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aberdeen, an author of 'ASPERGILLUS, ASTHMA, AND AMOEBAE'

No Abstract Available for Respiratory and allergic symptoms in wool textile workers Love RG, Smith TA, Gurr D, Soutar CA, Scarisbrick DA, Seaton A, Respiratory and allergic symptoms in wool textile workers, Brit J Industr Med, 1988;45:727-741,
Tony Seaton, Formerley Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aberdeen, an author of 'Respiratory and allergic symptoms in wool textile workers'

No Abstract Available for Clinical and immunological reactions to Aspergillus niger among workers at a biotechnology plant Topping MD, Scarisbrick DA, Luczynska CM, Clarke EC, Seaton A, Clinical and immunological reactions to Aspergillus niger among workers at a biotechnology plant, Brit J Industr Med, 1985;42:312-318,
Tony Seaton, Formerley Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aberdeen, an author of 'Clinical and immunological reactions to Aspergillus niger among workers at a biotechnology plant'

Abstract Available for Comparison of radiographic appearances with associated pathology and lung dust content in a group of coalworkers Ruckley VA, Fernie JM, Chapman JS, Collings P, Davis JM, Douglas AN, Lamb D, Seaton A, Comparison of radiographic appearances with associated pathology and lung dust content in a group of coalworkers, Br J Ind Med, 1984;41:459-467,
Tony Seaton, Formerley Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aberdeen, an author of 'Comparison of radiographic appearances with associated pathology and lung dust content in a group of coalworkers'

No Abstract Available for Exposure to oxides of nitrogen: respiratory symptoms and lung function in British coalminers Robertson A, Dodgson J, Collings P, Seaton A, Exposure to oxides of nitrogen: respiratory symptoms and lung function in British coalminers, Brit J Industr Med, 1984;41:214-219,
Tony Seaton, Formerley Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aberdeen, an author of 'Exposure to oxides of nitrogen: respiratory symptoms and lung function in British coalminers'

No Abstract Available for Hypersensitivity pneumonitis after exposure to isocyanates Charles J, Bernstein A, Jones B, Jones DJ, Edwards JH, Seal RME, Seaton A, Hypersensitivity pneumonitis after exposure to isocyanates, Thorax, 1976;31:127-12*,
Tony Seaton, Formerley Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aberdeen, an author of 'Hypersensitivity pneumonitis after exposure to isocyanates'

No Abstract Available for Prevalence of bronchitis and airway obstruction in American bituminous coal miners Kibelstis JA, Morgan EJ, Reger R, Lapp NL, Seaton A, Morgan WK, Prevalence of bronchitis and airway obstruction in American bituminous coal miners, Am Rev Respir Dis, 1973;108:886-893,
Tony Seaton, Formerley Professor of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Aberdeen, an author of 'Prevalence of bronchitis and airway obstruction in American bituminous coal miners'

Tony Seaton (2008)

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