I need a peak flow meter, how do I get one?

I need a peak flow meter, how do I get one?

Peak flow meters are relatively cheap and can usually be bought from a chemist. In the UK they can be prescribed by a GP. The main varities are as follows.

You should make sure that you cannot blow off the top of the meter (you should never be able to blow a maximum reading). If so, you should try a different type of meter.

Record on the form which meter you use.

The scales on the meters differ between countries. Some have linear scales and some are non-linear and require adjustment (those bought in the EU have recently become linear, those bought in the USA are also usually linear). The pictures below show two examples of these. Note which you have.

Non Linear Scale

A non-linear scale

Linear Scale

A linear scale

You can also make measurements with an electronic recording meter. These are much more expensive, some are more accurate and some less accurate than the standard peak flow meters and some do not always remember all the blows that you make.

When you have obtained a peak flow meter and measured your breathing you will need to have the results analysed (see link below).


Thank you for the article. It is so helpful when you can find help when needed. I too have been recently diagnosed with asthma which the specialist thinks may be due to my job. I'm also in need of equipment, peak flow meter and pulse oximeter. Anyone heard of www.thomasmedical.com? Thanks in advance for any information.

I was hoping to leave a live link that might be helpful. So I will give it another shot! I did some reading and found [url=http://www.thomasmedical.com]www.thomasmedical.com[/url], if anyone knows anything about this please respond.

I have tried both links. The second was unattainable, the first was for surgical instruements rather than peak flow meters. I think you should try elsewhere

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