Asking about tasks as well as jobs helps identify high exposures to biocides and cleaning agents |
This paper tries to estimate exposures to cleaning agents and biocides in nurses and finds that a job-exposure matrix is not very effective at this, but adding a section on tasks is better (a JTEM, job-task exposure matrix). Perhaps there is no real substitute for an occupational history?
Exposure to cleaning sprays were identified by 20% of nurses, surely something that should be avoided if inhalation of potential causes of asthma is to be avoided.
Quinot C, Dumas O, Henneberger PK, Varraso R, Wiley AS, Speizer FE, Goldberg M, Zock JP, Camargo Jr CA, Le Moual N,
Development of a job-task-exposure matrix to assess occupational exposure to disinfectants among US nurses,
Occup Environ Med,
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