Omalizumab allows some bakers, vets and farmers with occupational asthma to continue their usual job |
Some workers with occupational asthma have severe problms in complete removal from exposure. This particularly applies to farmers. Omalizumab may be of some help as desribed by Lavaud in this uncontrolled observational report of workers with severe asthma related to work who were treated with omalizumab and followed up for at least 6 months. There are 2 further reports of omalizumab treatment in workers with occupational asthma.
Lavaud F, Bonniaud P, Dalphin JC, Leroyer C, Muller D, Tannous R, Mangiapan G, De Blay F,
Usefulness of omalizumab in ten patients with severe occupational asthma,
Leynadier F, Doudou O, Gaouar H, Le Gros V, Bourdeix I, Guyomarch-Cocco L, Trunet P,
Effect of omalizumab in health care workers with occupational latex allergy,
J Allergy Clin Immunol,
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