Occupational Asthma Reference

Lavaud F, Bonniaud P, Dalphin JC, Leroyer C, Muller D, Tannous R, Mangiapan G, De Blay F, Usefulness of omalizumab in ten patients with severe occupational asthma, Allergy, 2013;68:813-815,

Keywords: omalizumab, treatment, occupational asthma, France, wheat, cat, flour, isocyanate, acrylate, tetrachloroethylene, baker, vet, farmer, painter, dry cleaner,

Known Authors

Frederic de Blay, Hopital Universitaires de Strasbourg Frederic de Blay

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The management of severe occupational asthma (OA) remains problematic and new alternative treatments providing better disease control are required, ideally enabling affected individuals to remain in their job.

Ten patients with severe uncontrolled OA were treated with the monoclonal anti-IgE antibody omalizumab. In six cases the causative agent was a high molecular weight (HMW) compound and in four cases it was a low molecular weight (LMW) chemical. All of the patients had well documented OA despite workplace adjustments.

During treatment, nine patients exhibited a lower rate of asthma exacerbations and used less oral or inhaled corticosteroids. Seven patients were able to continue working at the same workplace as before treatment.

We have demonstrated that omalizumab is a potential treatment for severe uncontrolled OA and enabled seven of the ten patients in the study to remain in their job.

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No resonse in the rubber worker exposed to acrylates, , optimal control in 2/2 bakers, 1/2 farmers and 1/2 vets

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