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Why do workers with occupational asthma remain exposed?

Why do workers with occupational asthma remain exposed?
A follow-up of challenge positive compensated occupational asthmatics in Quebec found that higher paid and older workers remained exposed longer after developing occupational asthma than others. The length of time with continuing exposure after developing occupational asthma was associated with larger direct costs to the insurance system. Those removed from exposure within one year had the lowest costs. The compensation system in Quebec is one of the few  that pays for retraining and assists in new jobs.


Abstract Available for Factors influencing duration of exposure with symptoms and costs of occupational asthma Miedinger D, Malo J-L, Ghezzo H, LArchevêque J, Zunzunegui M-V, Factors influencing duration of exposure with symptoms and costs of occupational asthma, Eur Respir J, 2010;36:728-734,
Jean-Luc Malo, Hôpital de Sacré Coeur, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, an author of 'Factors influencing duration of exposure with symptoms and costs of occupational asthma' David Miedinger, Lucern, Basel and Montreal, an author of 'Factors influencing duration of exposure with symptoms and costs of occupational asthma'


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