Vancomycin manufacture, a new cause of OA acting by direct histamine release? |
A pharmacetical worker who developed occupational asthma and rhinitis 5 months after starting purification of vancomycin powder. Positive peak flow and history, refused specific challenge. IgE and skin prick testing to vancomycin negative, but strong basophil histamine release using HSA conjugate (negative in controls). Authors suggest that the mechanism is direct histamine release
Agent |
Vancomycin |
Job |
Pharmaceutical manufacturer |
Specific IgE |
negative |
Skin prick test |
negative |
Non-specific reactivity |
methacholine 0.933 mg/ml |
Serial Peak Flow |
positive (9.3-62% variablility on workdays, <10% on days off) |
not done |
not done |
Basophil histamine release |
Significant histamine relase from patients basophils with 1ug/ml HSA conjugate, no release from controls. Authors suggest mechanism is direct non-allergic histamine release |
Specific Challenge |
Refused |
Follow-up |
no information |

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