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What are the minimum requirements for a referral centre for workers with suspected occupational asthma?

What are the minimum requirements for a referral centre for workers with suspected occupational asthma?
The paper makes an attempt to obtain concensus on minimum standards. It includes the ability make and to analyse serial measurements of PEF and NSBR, to have access to a wide range of antigens for specific IgE measurement, but not necessarily to perform occupational type bronchial provocation tests in every centre.


Abstract Available for Defining and investigating occupational asthma: a consensus approach Francis HC, Prys-Picard CO, Fishwick D, Stenton C, Burge PS, Bradshaw LM, Ayres JG, Campbell SM, Niven RM, Defining and investigating occupational asthma: a consensus approach, Occup Environ Med, 2007;64:361-365,
David Fishwick, Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield, UK, an author of 'Defining and investigating occupational asthma: a consensus approach' Chris Stenton, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, an author of 'Defining and investigating occupational asthma: a consensus approach' Sherwood Burge, Oasys, an author of 'Defining and investigating occupational asthma: a consensus approach' Lisa Bradshaw, Health and Safety Laboratories, an author of 'Defining and investigating occupational asthma: a consensus approach' Jon Ayres, University of Birmingham, an author of 'Defining and investigating occupational asthma: a consensus approach' Rob Niven, Wythenshawe Hospital, Manchester, an author of 'Defining and investigating occupational asthma: a consensus approach'


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