Sevoflurane and isoflurane cause occupational asthma in healthcare workers (new cause) |
Isoflurane and sevofluorane; anaesthetic gasses
Anaesthetic assistant and nurse mostly exposed in recovery areas
IgE not tested
Skin prick test to allergen extract not tested
Non specific bronchial reactivity developed post challenge in 3/3; normal before challenge 3/3
Serial peak flow records positive 1/3; equivocal 1/3; not done 1/3
Specific Bronchial Challenge: late reaction to isoflurane and sevoflurane 15 breaths 0.5% (1); late reaction isoflurane alone 18 breaths 0.5% (1); rash and nsbr decline isoflurane alone 18 breaths 0.5% (1); controls no reaction
Follow up
Better after relocation away from recovering post-op patients exhaling anaesthetic gasses. One had anaphylactic reaction during a general anaesthetic using sevoflurane
Vellore AD, Drought VJ, Sherwood-Jones D, Tunnicliffe B, Moore VC, Robertson AS, Burge PS,
Occupational asthma and allergy to sevoflurane and isoflurane in anaesthetic staff,
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