Super Categories
Known Synonyms
Various types of solder have been developed that do not contain colophony (which is a well known cause of occupational asthma).
There have been a small number of cases of occupational asthma to these, although they are still considered to be an improvement.
Please see the subcategories on the right for specific types on non colophony solder. Please note that the linked references search for the word "Solder" where the words "Colophony" and "Resin" are not present. This will include some results for solder containing colophony (apologies).
Oasys Notifications for Non-Colophony Solder
The Oasys Audit scheme started midway through 2010 and collects agents typed in through the Oasys program. The years before 2010 show old data entered during 2010 or later and are likely to have many fewer notifications. We expect Oasys to become more widely adopted as time goes by so increasing notifications does not necessarily mean an increasing problem.