"Employers and their health and safety personnel should be aware of the very large number of agents known to cause occupational asthma and the risk of exposure to such agents" - UK Occupational Asthma guidelines
Occupational asthma information for employers and their health and safety personnel.
The principal reccomendations from the BOHRF occupational asthma guidelines contain the current UK based advice. If you are not trying to become an expert then they may be all that you need to know.
The jobs section contains information on the dangers of occupational asthma in selected jobs. references and links are provided.
The agents section contains information on the occupational asthma causative agents / sensitisers. Related jobs, references and links are provided.
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Employer Resources
Links for Employers
Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
In the UK the Health and Safety Executive is the branch of government responsible for the prevention of occupational asthma. The website has information about the commoner causes of occupational asthma such as Isocyanates, Flour, Grain and Wood dust, Gluteraldehyde, Latex, Solder / Colophony, Laboratory animals and some glues and resins. |
http://www.hse.gov.uk/asthma/ |
Lungs At Work, London, UK
Runs clinical and immunological services for occupational and environmental diseases. Runs training courses on occupational asthma for occupational physicians and health and saftey personnel. |
http://www.lungsatwork.org.uk/ |
Occupational asthma hazard prediction program
An online program to predict the occupational asthma risk from any given chemical structure. This page contains links to the program and tools to help create the molfiles that the program uses. |
http://coeh.manchester.ac.uk/asthma/login.php |
Spirometry Longitudinal Data Analysis (SPIROLA)
Free program to analyse longitudinal spirometry for individuals and groups. Identifies at risk individuals and measures the precision of the data. Very useful for Health Surveillance. Based on published research by Eva Hnizdo et Al. |
http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/spirometry/spirola.html |
RIDDOR is the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (Applies to the UK). Employers, the self-employed and those in control of premises must report specified workplace incidents including those thought to have occupational asthma. |
http://www.hse.gov.uk/riddor/ |