
Slovak AJ, Occupational asthma caused by a plastics blowing agent, azodicarbonamide, Thorax, 1981;36:906-909,

BOHRF Original Authors' Main Conclusions

The original authors' main conclusions are taken from Abstract, Results and Discussion. They are decided upon by the authors of the BOHRF occupational asthma guidelines and form part of the guidelines.

A prevalence study of occupational asthma was carried out by questionnaire in 1980 among a group of 151 workers who had been exposed to azodicarbonamide dust in the process of its manufacture. 28 (18.5%) people without previous asthma gave a history of episodes of late onset asthma after exposure to azodicarbonamide. Over half the patients developed asthma within 3 months of first exposure and 75% developed it within the first year. Additional symptoms included rhinitis 29% and conjunctivitis 25%. Re-exposure caused repetition and worsening of symptoms. Immediate removal from further exposure resulted in rapid cessation of symptoms without further recurrence. 7 of 13 sensitised individuals who were still exposed 3 months after the onset of disease developed prolonged airways hyperreactivity to common environmental irritants.

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