Occupational Asthma Reference

Beauchamp RO, Bus JS, Popp JA, Boreiko CJ, Andjelkovich DA,Leber P, A Critical Review of the Literature on Hydrogen Sulfide Toxicity, Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 1984;13:25-97,doi:10.3109/10408448409029321

Keywords: review, hydrogen sulphide, gassing

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For most disposition studies, H2S has been administered either parenterally or orally as H2S solutions or various sulfide salts. Since the pK, for dissociation of the first proton from H2S is 7.04 and 11.96 for the second proton (see section on Chemical Properties), under physiological conditions sulfide salts exist primarily as undissociated H2S and the hydrosulfide anion. Ig3 The quantitative disposition of H2S after inhalation exposure has not been determined. A qualitative disposition study using a histochemical procedure to identify

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