Occupational Asthma Reference

PATEL PD, PATEL RK, PATEL NJ, REVIEW ON REACTIVE AIRWAYS DYSFUNCTION SYNDROME (RADS), Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 2012;5 Suppl 3:10-15,

Keywords: acute Irritant asthma, review, causes

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Over the past twenty years, work-related asthma has been increasingly recognized to focus on reactive airways disease syndrome (RADS), but little is known about its impact on health. RADS is a controversial and poorly understood condition produced by inhalational injury from gas, vapors, or fumes. There was a general lack of adequate information on exposure, investigation and, in particular, outcome of reported cases or case series of RADS. In this review, it is our intent to summarize clinical presentation, diagnosis, pathology, management and case series of RADS.

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