Occupational Asthma Reference

Wiszniewska M, Tymoszuk D, Pas-Wyroslak A, Nowakowska-Swirta E, Chomiczewska-Skóra D, Palczynski C, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Occupational allergy to squid (Loligo vulgaris), Occup Med, 2013;63:298-300,
(Plain text: Wiszniewska M, Tymoszuk D, Pas-Wyroslak A, Nowakowska-Swirta E, Chomiczewska-Skora D, Palczynski C, Walusiak-Skorupa J, Occupational allergy to squid (Loligo vulgaris), Occup Med)

Keywords: Poland, occupational asthma, squis, Loligo vulgaris, mollusk, occupational asthma, occupational rhinitis, urticaria, challenge, SIC, eosinophilia, skin prick test, cephalopod, seafood,

Known Authors

Jolanta Walusiak, Lodz Jolanta Walusiak

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Occupational allergy from exposure to squid has been rarely described, mainly as contact dermatitis or urticaria. Our report presents the first case of occupational asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis and contact urticaria to squid in a 33-year-old seafood production worker, with documented increased eosinophilia in the nasal and tear fluids after specific inhalation challenge test (SICT) with squid. IgE-mediated sensitization to squid was confirmed by positive skin prick test and opened skin test with squid extract. SICT demonstrated a direct and significant link between the exposure to squid and the allergic response from the respiratory system and conjunctiva.

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