Occupational Asthma Reference

Tabka F, Choudat D, Vacher JG, Thomas-Alliel S, Martin JC, Conso F, Occupational immediate type squid allergy. Two cases, Rev Fr Allergol, 1998;38:713-715,

Keywords: squid, cook, new cause, France, occupational asthma, urticaria, case report

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Poissons et crustacés sont des causes très fréquentes d'allergie alimentaire par ingestion. Cependant, les allergies au calmar n'ont pas été décrites en milieu professionnel. Nous en rapportons deux observations chez des aides cuisinières.

Seafood and fish are common causes of food allergies. They are also responsible for occupational asthma in processors of food. To our knowledge, no case of occupational asthma or urticaria caused by proteins derived from squid have been described. We report here two cases of occupationalsquidallergy in cooks.

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