Occupational Asthma Reference

Takeda Y, Kawakami H, Shigeta S, Kamiya H, Onizuka R, Tanabe K, Kato Y, Purification of a novel allergen (SAP-1), which induces allergic asthma, from the red soft coral (Alcyonium gracillimum), Allergology International, 2000;49:213-218,

Keywords: ag, asthma, IgE, occupational allergy, red soft coral, Japan

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The red soft coral that is found around the spiny lobster represents a major allergen and many fishermen, especially those that catch the spiny lobster, suffer from allergic symptoms. Therefore, in the present study, one of the major fractions of this protein was isolated and purified from the red soft coral (Alcyonium gracillimum). Sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblot analyses showed that the molecular weight of the allergen is approximately 14.4-20.1 kDa. Continuous purification of the protein resulted in a peptide with a molecular weight of 17 kDa. Immunoblotting and ELISA tests showed that the isolated peptide (17 kDa) strongly cross-reacted with the IgE of patients, thus classifying it as a significant allergen.

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