Occupational Asthma Reference

Monzón S, Gil J, Ledesma A, Ferrer L, San Juan S, Abós T, Occupational asthma IgE mediated due to Chrysonilia sitophila in coffee industry, Allergy, 2009;64:1686-1687,
(Plain text: Monzon S, Gil J, Ledesma A, Ferrer L, San Juan S, Abos T, Occupational asthma IgE mediated due to Chrysonilia sitophila in coffee industry, Allergy)

Keywords: Chrysonilia sitophila, Spain, occupational asthma, specific bronchial challenge, rhinitis, coffe machine servicer,skin prick test,IgE,peak floiw,monilia sitophila,neurospora sitophila

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Crysonilia sitophila as an allergen to be considered for occupational asthma. This is the first case report with specific challenge, previous cases have occured in wood processing and coffee. It grew on used coffee from coffee machines, which the worker was replenishing.

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Occupational asthma: Chrysonilia sitophila Chrysonilia sitophila

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