Occupational Asthma Reference

Rudbeck MG, Omland O, Work-related asthma caused by IgE-verified allergy to methylene di-isocynate, Ugeskr Laeger, 2006;168:1345-1346,

Keywords: MDI, case report, foam, blacksmith, acute exposure, IgE, NSBR, sensitisation from acute exposure, Denmark

Known Authors

Oyvind Omland, Aahus Denmark Oyvind Omland

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A 44-year-old blacksmith periodically exposed to methylene di-isocynate (MDI) from foaming processes over the course of eight years developed an acute episode of asthma shortly after high exposure to MDI. The respiratory symptoms declined gradually over some months. A year later the specific IgE to MDI was still high (23.92 KU/l), but lung function (FEV1, PEF and FVC) was normal and no bronchial hyperreactivity was observed. He is still working at the same factory under respiratory health surveillance.

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