Occupational Asthma Reference

Ferrer A, Carnés J, Marco FM, Andréu C, Fernández-Caldas E, Occupational allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma to goat and cross-reactivity with cow epithelium., Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol, 2006;96:579-585,
(Plain text: Ferrer A, Carnes J, Marco FM, Andreu C, Fernandez-Caldas E, Occupational allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma to goat and cross-reactivity with cow epithelium., Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol)

Keywords: vet, cow, goat, challenge, IgE, cross rectivity, butcher, rhinitis, asthma, Spain

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BACKGROUND: The development of sensitization and symptoms after the inhalation of epithelial allergens is common. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the allergic response (in vivo and in vitro) of 3 individuals clinically sensitive and occupationally exposed to cow and goat and to evaluate the allergenic cross-reactivity between cow and goat epithelium extracts.

METHODS: Three patients--a butcher and 2 doctors in veterinary medicine--were evaluated. These patients reported allergic respiratory symptoms after occupational exposure to goats and cows. Extracts were prepared from epithelia of both animals. All the patients underwent organ-specific allergen challenges with cow and goat extracts. Four nasal and 2 bronchial challenges were conducted following standardized procedures.

RESULTS: All 3 patients had positive challenge results with the offending allergen extract. Specific IgE to goat allergens was detected in all patients. Several IgE-binding bands were detected. Inhibition assays (enzyme allergosorbent test and immunoblots) confirmed moderate-to-high cross-reactivity between goat and cow extracts.

CONCLUSIONS: We confirm clinical sensitivity and specific IgE binding to goat and cow allergens in occupationally exposed individuals. There was good correlation among the clinical history, exposure, and the laboratory findings.

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