Occupational Asthma Reference

Cirla AM, Nava C, Limonta A, A case of occupational allergy to tamarind flour, Med Lav, 1970;61:447-451,


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The paper reports the case of a worker preparing condensing pastes for the textile industry, who, while manipulating one such product containing tamarind-seed meal, complained suddenly of itching, erythema, palpebral oedema, weeping. The characteristics and the antecedant facts of the accident seemed to be indicative of a progressive sensitisation. The intradermic test with the allergenic extract of the substance confirmed that the subject was sensitised to tamarind meal, and did not present sensitisation to other substances. The possible occurance of allergic manifestations (cutaneous in the case described) induced by tamarind seed meal must be kept in mind for preventive purposes, considering the fact that such sustance is becoming more and more used in the textile industry.

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